
minimal settings for bash

Primary LanguageShell

The bare minimum I need for bash shell happiness

To use:

  1. clone this repo
  2. source the scripts in your $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc:
echo '. /where/ever/you/cloned/minimal-bash/bash_minimal.bash' >> $HOME/.bash_profile

quick guide to completion commands provided here

  • u is equivalent to cd ..
  • u 3 is equivalent to cd ../../..
  • u mydir if your current PWD location is /some/place/mydir/more/stuff/here, then this is equivalent to cd ../../../. In other words, it finds and takes you to mydir in your parent hierarchy. Note that you can also autocomplete mydir based on any dirs in your current PWD path
  • b and f let you navigate back and forward through your history of PWD locations. unlike pushd/popd, it works with ordinary cd commands, and you can still move back again after going forward (unlike popd which loses the pushd history)
  • cd .../mydir will autocomplete .../mydir into the first match from the following: ../mydir, ../../mydir, ../../../mydir, etc. This also works for mv and cp commands. It saves you from having to figure out how many ../ prefixes to add when navigating/copying/moving one deeply nested directory to another likewise nested sibling directory. This command currently requires ruby on your system to work. Note that the very popular bash_completion script provides its own custom completions for the cd command too, so if you use both, you'll have to choose which completion behavior you want by sourcing the relevant script (either this one or bash_completion) last in your $HOME/.bash_profile or $HOME/.bashrc. Last definition wins.

Also note that this ... feature is disabled by default, because sometimes ruby's performance is unacceptable during startup. To enable it, uncomment the *.rb lines in bash_minimal.bash