
update RAK811_LoRaNode firmware version to 2.x.3.4
Fit TTN and LoRaServer at region CN470 to connected quickly.

update RAK811_LoRaNode firmware version to 2.x.3.3
Adjust duty cycle to improve the user experience.

update RAK811_LoRaNode firmware version to 2.x.3.2
1.Fix a debug about "The Hard Fault exception occurs,Reset!".
2.The end number in version indicate the version with DEBUG or RELEASE :odd:DEBUG ,even:RELEASE.

RAK811_LoRaNode firmware version 2.x.3.1

1.RAK811 is a LoRaNode module based on STM32L151 and SX1276. It has two kinds of boards : RAK811-HF board and RAK811-LF board.

2.This Firmware is based on LoRaWAN 1.0.2 protocol ,support Class A and Class C mode.User could switch the mode by such as 'at+set_config=class:2' command,0:class A,1:class B(unsupported),2:class C.

Tips:It supports almost all frequency bands:(HF)->EU868, US915, AU915, KR920, AS923,IN865.

3.The AT Command folder contains two firmware: "RAK811_HF.bin"and"RAK811_LF.bin".
"RAK811_HF.bin" surpport region:EU868, US915, AU915, KR920, AS923,IN865.
"RAK811_LF.bin" surpport region:EU433,CN470.

Tips: Region switch by such as"at+band=EU868"command, details about AT command refer to RAK811 Lora AT Command V1.4.pdf.

4.Method of The Demo project generates different firmware refer to ReleaseNotes.txt.