
🔊 My Music Player is a project for the practice of manipulating sound files and delivering a better user experience (UX) with intuitive elements.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🔊 My Music Player

About   |   Quick Test   |   Built with   |   Getting started   |   Contributting   |   License

💡 About

The My Music Player is a project for the practice of manipulating sound files and delivering a better user experience (UX) with intuitive elements.

📲 Quick Test


🛠 Built with

⚙ Getting started

You can clone the repository through CMD (Command Prompt) just by typing:

git clone https://github.com/arimariojesus/medium-clone

or download the zip from the green button at the beginning of the repository

Click Cone Download zip

💪🏾 Contributing

Do you want to contribute? How sensational, follow these steps:.

# Create a branch with your feature:
$ git checkout -b feature

# Commit your changes:
$ git commit -am "add new feature"

# Push your branch:
$ git push origin my-feature
  • Create a new Pull Request

After your pull request is merged, you can safely delete your branch.

📝 License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more informations.

⭐ If this project helped you in any way, consider contributing with starring.
Made with 💙 and 🎶 by Ari Jesus