
Cannot Build Project With Editor Toolboxes In It On v2020.3.30f1

OctavianTocan opened this issue · 3 comments

It seems that one cannot build a project on this version of Unity if the package is added to the project. The exact culprit seems to be the TypeConstraint.cs class.

The exact error message is attached in the screenshot!

Screenshot 2022-03-02 185704

It seems that this happens on the default project with the source files too. Any specific fixes that I could go about doing that would solve this?

Your package is really helpful, so I'd love to keep using it, but not being able to build is quite a bummer.

I'm sorry for the trouble, I fixed it today morning. Just update the package and let me know if everything is fine.

It was absolutely no trouble!

I appreciate your prompt reply, and fixing of the issue! Thanks a lot for your efforts. The package is really cool,
keep up the super good work! :)