
A program to find hamiltonian path in chess board of configurable size which movement rule is piece type dependent, created in purely functional programming way.

Primary LanguageScala

Hamiltonian Path

A program to find hamiltonian path in chess board a.k.a. knight’s tour. The board size is configurable and chess piece movement rule depends on piece type (pawn, knight, etc).

Getting started

From the directory root, fire up sbt by typing:

sbt clean run

You will be prompted for several inputs. Pressing enter with an empty input for default value (as you might expect) won’t work. A failure to give a valid value (like typing ‘a’ whilst a number is expected) will give us the default value instead. A full example session of this program is below:

-~Hamiltonian Chess Pathfinder~-
Simple program to solve hamiltonian path of chess movement.
Cross your fingers and hopefully a linear time complexity is matched.
Don't mess with sizes, it's easy to end up with solution requiring thousands years of computation and mess your precious lifetime :)

Width of the board?  (5)
Height of the board? (5)
What to put? (Knight (K), Pawn (P), Rook (R)) (Pawn)
Where to put the piece's x-location? (0) Where to put the piece's y-location? (0) 

Start processing..
[♙........................]: 0
[♙..............♙.........]: 1
[♙..............♙..♙......]: 2
[♙..♙.......♙...♙..♙....♙.]: 5

------- cut ------------

[♙♙♙♙♙♙.♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙.♙♙♙]: 136
[♙♙♙♙♙♙.♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙]: 137
[♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙♙]: 138

Yeay! We found a path :)

♙  .  .  .  . 
.  .  .  .  . 
.  .  .  .  . 
.  .  .  .  . 
.  .  .  .  . 

♙  .  .  .  . 
.  .  .  .  . 
.  .  .  .  . 
♙  .  .  .  . 
.  .  .  .  . 

♙  .  .  .  . 
.  .  .  .  . 
.  .  .  .  . 
♙  .  .  ♙  . 
.  .  .  .  . 

------ cut -----------

♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  .  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  .  ♙  ♙  ♙ 

♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  .  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 

♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 
♙  ♙  ♙  ♙  ♙ 


This program is mainly sub-divided into 2 parts.

Generic search engine for various algorithm (DFS, BFS, Best First Search, A*)

Written in Java, is a generic engine capable of solving various search problems. Thanks for its generic nature, we won’t find any code for handling our specific problem of hamiltonian path in this part, as it will be handled in another part which we will see later. For hamiltonian path with board size more than 5×5, using Breadth First Search is not recommended. It tries to enumerate all the possible combinations and will die eventually after memory shortages. Board of size 8×8 has 2^64 condition that need to be visited. Even if memory isn’t not a problem, it will still requires several hundred thousands of years to complete, assuming our CPU has 300 MIPS. Try Best First Search (or specifically A-⋆) with Warnsdorf’s evaluator, it will be solved in somewhat linear time.

Console application, implemented with Domain Driven Design and pure functional Scala style

The way this application is divided into layers is in compliance with hexagonal architecture and onion layered style.

  • core packages is for business logic and the bottom-most layer. We design this as much algebraic and pure as possible.
  • infra packages is for all infrastructural codes. We consider our Java generic search engine as infra, and create an adapter here.
  • app packages is for application and UI layer. Console app usually fail-fast, e.g. the flow is input, process, then exit, or if error, exit directly with message if an error happens. This is implemented elegantly using monad-computation.

Some of the notable approaches are:

  • The UI workflow is implemented using monad computation due to the nature of simple console app.
  • As the engine is working, the progress is sent to UI layer from our ‘external’ search engine framework using callback.
  • Business logic is reasoned using algebra.
  • The generic search engine is capable for handling various independent problems, like shortest path, 8 puzzles, graphs, etc.