Legacy Seismic Data


The Legacy Seismic Data (LSD) project is an outcome of the 2019 Securing Legacy Seismic Data to Enable Future Discoveries Workshop. Participants of the workshop identified eight community needs to advance workshop goals (Hwang et al., 2020):

  • Analog Holdings Catalog. Create an inventory of analog seismic data holdings to identify current resources, connect
  • Publications Database. Create a database of research publications that use analog data as a resource to other researchers, inspire new studies, and to demonstrate the need to preserve these data.
  • Metadata Standards. Begin work on creating FAIR compliant metadata standards to enable federated discovery and access.
  • Pilot Project. Identify existing repositories to pilot federated data search and access utilizing proposed metadata standards, and retrieval of multiple data and metadata types.
  • Future Research. Identify strategies to enable future research through open source and standardization of both data and software and targeted campaigns with specific research objectives.
  • New Technologies. Identify enabling technologies to reduce human intervention in the end-to-end process of creating research-ready, time series data.
  • Other Communities. Attract a broader scientific community to apply seismological data in nontraditional research domains and communities with similar needs in preserving analog time series data.
  • Outreach. Create a larger community of users through outreach at all career levels.


This website is an open source community project to make progress on these goals. All contributions are welcomed.


This website is a based on freely available packages. In particular, the template for this website is feeling-responsive] created by PHLow. To install, please see the github documentation for creating websites/pages.

This website depends on Jekyll and uses Bundler to manage Ruby gems and dependencies.

Ruby 3.1.0
Bundler 2.3.3

How to Contribute

The LSD website is a community project. We depend on contributions from community members who maintain and use collections of legacy data.

We welcome all contributions including but not limited to:

  • Corrections, updates, and addition to content
  • New content and features
  • Suggestions for website improvements

For more information, see the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

The website is currently being maintained by:

  • Lorraine Hwang

The following have contributed significantly to the content for this website:

  • Denise Kwong


Lorraine J. Hwang, Tim Ahern, Cynthia J. Ebinger, William L. Ellsworth, Garrett G. Euler, Emile A. Okal, Paul G. Okubo, William R. Walter; Rescuing Legacy Seismic Data FAIR’ly. Seismological Research Letters 2020;; 91 (3): 1339–1340. doi: https://doi.org/10.1785/0220200027


Partial funding has been provided under National Science Foundation (NSF-1917159).