
TA alaska magnetic field paper

Primary LanguagePython

The code in this repository was made available to reproduce the figures in the manuscript:

Ringler, A. T., R. E. Anthony, D. C. Wilson, A. E. Claycomb, and J. Spritzer (2020). Magnetic field variations in Alaska: Recording space weather events on seismic stations in Alaska, Bull. Seis. Soc. Amer., in revision.

We have attempted to make this code to allow for the various pieces of the manuscript to be reproduced. Or so that readers can further experiment. If you run into difficulties using the code please let us know. We have tried to include a few comments in the code where things might not be obvious.

This should all be able to be run on a small laptop. However, we did multithread some of the code to run faster.

Remember to change your path on line 10 in utils.py if you do any of your own processing.

figure1.py is used to produce Figure 1 of the manuscript. The output of this is figure1.png. figure1uvw.py allows you to calculate the corrections in UVW mode.

figure2.py is used to produce Figure 2 of the manuscript. The output of this is figure2.png.

calc_pdf.py is used to estimate the PDFs from GSN magnetometer data. You will need to change line 30 of this code so that you can put your own data path. We have not included .npz files as they make this repository too large. Please contact us if you would like them via ftp.

figure3.py is used to produce Figure 3 in the manuscript. Remember to change the path in the utils.py file so that you can grab the metadata necessary for the calculations.

figure4.py is used to produce Figure 4 in the manuscript. It needs the pdfs calculatd in calc_pdf.py.

figure5.py is used to calculate Figure 5 in the manuscript. You will need to grab this data before you do the calculation as it is not at IRIS but instead part of the USGS Geomag program. The code calc_pdf.py is used in this to do the actual computations. Data from the USGS Geomag program can be obtained from: https://www.usgs.gov/natural-hazards/geomagnetism/data-tools

This project contains materials that originally came from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), an agency of the United States Department of Interior. For more information, see the official USGS copyright policy at https://www2.usgs.gov/visual-id/credit_usgs.html#copyright

Code written by USGS employees is in the Public Domain in the United States.