
An Evaluation Framework for Comparing Epidemic Intelligence Systems

Primary LanguagePython

Comparing Epidemic Intelligence Tools

This Github repository is dedicated to our work, which has been published in IEEE Access [Arınık'23].


This set of Python/R scripts/modules is designed for comparing a set of EBS tools in terms of three aspects: 1) spatial analysis (how the events are geographically distributed), 2) temporal analysis (how the events are temporally distributed), 3) thematic entity analysis (what thematic entities are extracted from the events and how they are related to spatio-temporal analysis) and 4) news outlet analysis (what news sources play key role in epidemiological information disseminatation). For each aspect, we propose an appropriate visualisation for end-users. In this context, we define an epidemiological event as the detection of the virus at a specific date and time and in a specific location.

Moreover, in this work, the spatial and temporal scales are two important parameters. We propose to visualize the data in one of the two spatial scales: country and region (ADM1) levels Likewise, we propose to visualize the data in one of the four temporal scales: week, bi-week, month and year.

It is worth emphasizing that each spatial entity is geocoded with GeoNames. To accurately plot the spatial distribution of events, we rely on the GeoNames identifier of these spatial entities, and not their centroid coordinates. For this reason, we manually assigned a GeoNames identifier for each spatial entity at country or region (ADM1) level. These information are found in the in/map_shapefiles/world/gaul0_asap and in/map_shapefiles/world/ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces folders.


We illustrate the usefulness of the proposed methods with an Avian Influenza dataset. This dataset consists of the Avian Influenza events occurred between 2019 and 2021 and collected by the PADI-Wwb and ProMED, and EMPRES-i. Here, we use the EMPRES-i dataset as ground-truth to evaluate the events collected by PADI-web and ProMED. In total, we have $1515$, $338$ and $5229$ events from PADI-web, ProMED and EMPRES-i, respectively. All these events are standardized and normalized. The final dataset can be found on Dataverse (normalized_events.zip).


  • Folder in:

    • Folder events: this folder contains standardized and normalized event datasets from a set of EBS tools.
    • Folder map_shapefiles: this folder contains the shapefiles for the whole world at country and region (ADM1) level.
    • Folder news_outlets_geography: this folder contains the details of the news outlets, particularly their spatial locations.
    • Folder thematic_taxonomy: this folder contains the taxonomy trees associated to the thematic entities (host and disease information).
  • Folder in-bahdja: this folder is supposed to contain input files for evaluating the event matching task. It is used by the file src/main_eval_event_matching.py.

    • Folder events: this folder contains standardized and normalized event datasets prepared by Bahdja Boudoua. These files can be found on Dataverse (eval_event_matching.zip).
    • Folder thematic_taxonomy: this folder contains the taxonomy trees associated to the thematic entities (host and disease information).
  • Folder out: contains the files produced by our scripts

  • Folder src:

    • Folder event: this folder contains event-related classes, such as Diseae, Location, Temporality and Host. It also contains the implementations for event similarity.
    • Folder event_matching: the folder contains the implementations for event matching.
    • Folder plot: this folder contains a single script, which proposes several functions for map plotting.
    • Folder spatial_analysis: this folder contains the scripts performing the evaluation of the spatial focus of the events collected by different EBS tools
    • Folder temporal_analysis: this folder contains the scripts performing the evaluation of the temporal focus of the events collected by different EBS tools
    • Folder thematic_analysis: this folder contains the scripts performing the evaluation of the thematic focus of the events collected by different EBS tools
    • Folder news_outlet_analysis: this folder contains the scripts performing the evaluation of online news and press agencies, that we call in short news outlets, involving in the propagation of epidemiological information. The EBS tools rely on these news outlets to collect epidemiological data and it is of importance to analyze them.
    • Folder hin: this folder contains a single script, which creates an heterogeneous information network from an event dataset.
    • Folder stats: this folder contains the scripts for calculating ranking results and collecting quantitative evaluation results.
    • Folder preprocessing: this folder contains the scripts for preprocessing: mainly for geocoding.
    • Folder eval: this folder contains the scripts for evaluation tasks.


  • Install Python (tested with Python 3.8.12)

  • Install Python dependencies using the following command:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Install R (tested with R 4.2.0)

  • Install R dependencies using the following command:

    • install.packages("RColorBrewer")
    • install.packages("ComplexHeatmap")
    • install.packages("circlize")
  • Download this project from Github: https://github.com/arinik9/compebs

  • We have already put sample datasets in the in/events folder. For the complete data, you need to retrieve the data from Dataverse. Download, unzip the file normalized_events.zip and place the folders under normalized_events/events into the in/events folder.

  • Update the variable MAIN_FOLDER in the file src/main.py for your main directory absolute path (e.g. /home/USER/compebs).

  • (Optional) GeoNames applies an hourly limit quota for API queries. In order to take advantage of the GeoNames' API as much as possible, we are using multiple GeoNames accounts. The description of these accounts are found in the file src/consts.py (with the variables GEONAMES_API_USERNAME<NO>, where <NO> is an integer value). If necessary, you can also increase the number of these accounts. In which case, you need to update the files under src/geocode.

How to run ?

  • Go to the folder src.

  • We run the file main.py inside the folder src. Or, you can configure the PYTHONPATH variable, if you do not want to run it from the folder src.
