Objective-c Wordreference.com API wrapper

Primary LanguageObjective-C

#ATTENTION: This is an old discontinued project.

#WRAP: WorldRefecence.com API Wrapper# WRAPI is an Objective-c Wrapper for http://www.wordreference.com Api.

##How to request a translation##

Drag and drop WRAPI Folder in your project (remember to include JSONKit too)

Include WRAPI.h in your project

 #import "WRAPI.h"

Init "WRAPI" and (optional, but required :P) define a delegate

 wrapi = [[WRAPI alloc] init];
 wrapi.delegate = self;

###Ask for translation###

You need eventually define which dictionary you need (i.e. from English (en) to Frenc (fr)) and call requestTerm: fromLanguage: toLanguage: like in this example :

[wrapi requestTerm:@"Love" fromLanguage:@"en" toLanguage:@"fr"]; 

##How to get data ##

To manage response from Wordreference.com you need to implement the WRAPIDelegate with at least translateDidFinish: function.

The fastest way to obtain translation is accessing properties termTranslationList and compoundTranslationList after translateDidFinish. Those two functions return an NSDictionary with a formatted representation of terms and sense in original and translated language.

##Implement the WRAPIDelegate protocol##

###Translation complete###

-(void) translateDidFinish:(NSDictionary*) result;

This function is called when translation is completely successful terminated, result contains and NSDictionary with all data received from Worldreference.com (here an example return by the world "gender" on "enfr" dictionary:

END = 1;
Lines = "End Reached";
original =     {
    Compounds =         {
        0 =             {
            FirstTranslation =                 {
                POS = nm;
                sense = "";
                term = sexisme;
            Note = "";
            OriginalTerm =                 {
                POS = n;
                sense = "sexual discrimination";
                term = "gender bias";
                usage = "";
        1 =             {
            FirstTranslation =                 {
                POS = nf;
                sense = "";
                term = "dysphorie de genre";
            Note = "";
            OriginalTerm =                 {
                POS = "";
                sense = "";
                term = "gender dysphoria";
                usage = "";
term0 =     {
    AdditionalTranslations =         {
        0 =             {
            FirstTranslation =                 {
                POS = nm;
                sense = "";
                term = sexe;
            Note = "";
            OriginalTerm =                 {
                POS = n;
                sense = sex;
                term = gender;
                usage = "";
    PrincipalTranslations =         {
        0 =             {
            FirstTranslation =                 {
                POS = nm;
                sense = grammaire;
                term = genre;
            Note = "";
            OriginalTerm =                 {
                POS = n;
                sense = grammar;
                term = gender;
                usage = "";

###Translation not found###


Fired when Wordlreference.com can't find a specific term. You can use this function to warn your user:

        NSAlert *alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease];
        [alert addButtonWithTitle:@"OK"];
        [alert setMessageText:@"Translation not found"];
        [alert setInformativeText:@"I can't find a translation for this term."];
        [alert setAlertStyle:NSWarningAlertStyle];    
        [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:nil contextInfo:nil];

###Call a not supported dictionary###

-(void) notAllowedDictionaryRequest

Not every dictionaries are supported (at the moment) by Wordreference.com for example you can't ask for Spanish to Jappanese translation. This function is called after requesting a not supported dictionary.

###Redirect request###

-(void)translateRedirectTo:(NSString *)url

This function is an helper to intercept inverted request. For example if you request translation for the term "People" from Italian to English (thus, on dictionary @"iten") this function is called with url=@"enit"