Burrito Builder UI

Our company is building a prototype ticketing system for a local burrito shop. It's not perfect, but it will get us toward an MVP that we can show to all the top burrito VCs in town.


  • Clone down this repo and change into the cloned down directory
  • Setup your own GitHub repo so you can push changes to your own profile
  • Run npm install to install dependencies
  • Run npm start to start your development server

Be sure to setup the backend repo for Burrito Builder to be able to retrieve and save burrito orders.


Iteration 1

Right now the App component is connected to the store. While sometime it can be good to have App know about everything, in this case the developer team said that it's not necessary. This is a common refactor!

Remove Redux from the App component and move that functionality to the Orders component. Make App into a functional component, and bring in the burrito orders directly into the Orders component instead.

Iteration 2

Add functionality to allow submission of the form when there is at least one ingredient added to the order. If there are no ingredients in the order, you should not be able to submit the order.

Also, right now we're seeing a warning in the console about unique keys... Get rid of that warning.

Iteration 3

Currently, the form seems operational, but it's not actually sending information to the backend API. Complete the OrderForm component functionality so that when an order is submitted, it is sent to the backend, and if the response back from the server is successful, then the order is displayed on the page.

The new orders should be added to the Redux store following a successful POST request. On refresh, the new order should persist on the page.

Iteration 4

Complete tests for the Orders and OrderForm components. Also complete tests for all actions and reducers so far.

Iteration 5

Add delete functionality for an order (the server-side endpoint exists already) so that when the order is ready it can be removed from the ticketing system.


  • Right now, an order can contain duplicates of ingredients. Bring some logic into the form so that an order can contain only two of the same ingredient.
  • Style the form - it's hideous and the team is sad about it.
  • Add a total cost for the order. Add prices to each ingredient and total each order based on the ingredient cost. Display this for each order. The backend should be able to handle any extra data beyond name and ingredients.
  • Style the container so that orders are nice and tidy, especially when ingredient amounts vary between orders.

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.