
Virtual Internship Experience (Investree) - Fullstack - Ariq Athallah Budi Ramdhany

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Laravel Logo

Build Status Total Downloads Latest Stable Version License

About This Project

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This project was created for the Rakamin Academy Virtual Internship Program. The program consisted of 4 weeks of video-based and text-based material covering web programming with PHP as well as Laravel concepts such as Eloquent, Passport, and Laravel UI.

Versions Used

  • Node.js v16.14.0
  • Composer v2.3.19
  • Laravel v9.26.1
  • PHP v8.1.6


Project Setup

Composer Dependency Installation

composer install

Setup Environment Variables

Edit the environment variables on .env to suit your system, such as the database configuration and host name.

cp .env.example .env
# Edit these

Populate Database

Make sure to run your MySQL server before populating database

php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate --seed
php artisan passport:install

Generate Front End and Public Files (via Webpack)

npm install && npm run dev

Run Laravel Server

php artisan serve --port=8000