This repository contains prebuilt Mapbox GL styles for use in Mapbox GL JS or the Mapbox Mobile SDKs and as a starting point for custom maps built with Mapbox Studio.
If you're looking for Mapbox Streets, Mapbox Satellite Streets, Mapbox Dark, Mapbox Light, or Mapbox Outdoors, see
A breaking release (x.0.0) is one that
- changes the style's
- removes or renames an icon
- removes or changes a
- removes or changes a source
- removes or renames a style layer
- changes the semantic meaning of a layer
A feature release (0.x.0) has no breaking-release changes and
- makes any non-breaking change to styles
- makes any non-breaking change to sprites
- adds a new style
- adds a new icon
A fix release (0.0.x) is one that has no feature-release changes and
- fixes an invalid stylesheet or bad test
The following styles are provided:
Simple and flexible starting template.
Template for complex custom basemaps.
A beautiful global satellite and aerial imagery layer.
A blank slate. Build your own map from the ground up.
All styles (except Empty) include a standard set of Maki icons:
Airport |
| airfield-11 | | airfield-15 |
| airport-11 | | airport-15 |
| heliport-11 | | heliport-15 |
| rocket-11 | | rocket-15 |
Mountain peak |
| mountain-11 | | mountain-15 |
| volcano-11 | | volcano-15 |
Dining |
| bakery-11 | | bakery-15 |
| bar-11 | | bar-15 |
| beer-11 | | beer-15 |
| cafe-11 | | cafe-15 |
| fast-food-11 | | fast-food-15 |
| ice-cream-11 | | ice-cream-15 |
| restaurant-11 | | restaurant-15 |
Education |
| college-11 | | college-15 |
| school-11 | | school-15 |
General |
| alcohol-shop-11 | | alcohol-shop-15 |
| amusement-park-11 | | amusement-park-15 |
| aquarium-11 | | aquarium-15 |
| art-gallery-11 | | art-gallery-15 |
| attraction-11 | | attraction-15 |
| bank-11 | | bank-15 |
| bicycle-11 | | bicycle-15 |
| bicycle-share-11 | | bicycle-share-15 |
| car-11 | | car-15 |
| castle-11 | | castle-15 |
| cinema-11 | | cinema-15 |
| circle-11 | | circle-15 |
| circle-stroked-11 | | circle-stroked-15 |
| clothing-store-11 | | clothing-store-15 |
| drinking-water-11 | | drinking-water-15 |
| embassy-11 | | embassy-15 |
| fire-station-11 | | fire-station-15 |
| fuel-11 | | fuel-15 |
| grocery-11 | | grocery-15 |
| harbor-11 | | harbor-15 |
| information-11 | | information-15 |
| laundry-11 | | laundry-15 |
| library-11 | | library-15 |
| lodging-11 | | lodging-15 |
| marker-11 | | marker-15 |
| monument-11 | | monument-15 |
| museum-11 | | museum-15 |
| music-11 | | music-15 |
| place-of-worship-11 | | place-of-worship-15 |
| police-11 | | police-15 |
| post-11 | | post-15 |
| prison-11 | | prison-15 |
| religious-christian-11 | | religious-christian-15 |
| religious-jewish-11 | | religious-jewish-15 |
| religious-muslim-11 | | religious-muslim-15 |
| shop-11 | | shop-15 |
| stadium-11 | | stadium-15 |
| star-11 | | star-15 |
| suitcase-11 | | suitcase-15 |
| swimming-11 | | swimming-15 |
| theatre-11 | | theatre-15 |
| toilet-11 | | toilet-15 |
| town-hall-11 | | town-hall-15 |
| triangle-11 | | triangle-15 |
| triangle-stroked-11 | | triangle-stroked-15 |
| veterinary-11 | | veterinary-15 |
Health |
| dentist-11 | | dentist-15 |
| doctor-11 | | doctor-15 |
| hospital-11 | | hospital-15 |
| pharmacy-11 | | pharmacy-15 |
Outdoors |
| campsite-11 | | campsite-15 |
| cemetery-11 | | cemetery-15 |
| dog-park-11 | | dog-park-15 |
| garden-11 | | garden-15 |
| golf-11 | | golf-15 |
| park-11 | | park-15 |
| picnic-site-11 | | picnic-site-15 |
| playground-11 | | playground-15 |
| zoo-11 | | zoo-15 |
Transit |
| bus-11 | | bus-15 |
| ferry-11 | | ferry-15 |
Rail station |
| entrance-11 | | entrance-15 |
| rail-11 | | rail-15 |
| rail-light-11 | | rail-light-15 |
| rail-metro-11 | | rail-metro-15 |
The preferred way to use these styles in Mapbox GL JS or the Mapbox Mobile SDKs is via a mapbox://
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8'
mapView = [[MGLMapView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds
styleURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"mapbox://styles/mapbox/satellite-v8"]];
MapView mMapView = new MapView(context, "Access Token");