Huffman Implementation in MATLAB

simple project to learn how the huffman algorithm works and implement the 3 functions huffmanDict, huffmanEnc and huffmanDec.

Details about the project can be found in the report.pdf which is written in greek

Executing Program

Code written in Matlab, version 2021b. The dictionary takes the probabilities either from counting the occurences of letters from the input file cvxopt.txt or from the frequencies.txt file which has the probabilities of each letter in the english language.

All functions are run from the runfile.m


Versions History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Commit
    • Huffman dictionary and encoder functions
    • Huffman decoder
    • Huffman Efficiency Calculator - Second Order Expansion of Channel
    • Encode an image from cameraman.mat
    • Find Channel Capacity of a Binary Symmetric Channel
    • Final Commit

Known Issues

Code is very messy, needs serious refactoring