The LAZY script will make your life easier, and of course faster.
- 1
./ 111 Command not found
#328 opened by Yavimir - 2
lazy script on problem and uninstall problem
#339 opened by hackerbou1 - 6
LazyScript can't create a terminal
#337 opened by Freeman80t - 0
Accept Terms (Permission denied)
#336 opened by silenziosohh - 0
- 18
- 0
It dosnt work with an phone emulator
#335 opened by remagxela - 15
- 0
No Host Found + Network Manager Issue
#333 opened by Mr-Anonn - 0
lsscipt Function Issue
#332 opened by HYDROBOY1 - 4
lscrip NOT lunching
#313 opened by JohnWick1942 - 1
./install erorr
#314 opened by cjxiong - 1
How to set alias (l not working in terminal)
#331 opened by qualk - 1
./l: line 3796: python2: command not found
#329 opened by Retr03301 - 5
- 0
- 0
There was an error creating the child process for this terminal Failed to execute child process “lh3”: Failed to execve: No such file or directory
#327 opened by borromeanxyz - 0
Blank terminal when lscript is launched
#326 opened by gcb140 - 3
- 1
Child process error and other errors fix
#325 opened by harshallcode - 0
Child Process error (fix i have found)
#324 opened by joe90a - 2
Is Kali requierd?
#300 opened by TotaltEcplise - 0
# Error: Failed to execute child process “l”: Failed to execve: No such file or directory
#299 opened by ansel2000 - 3
Kali linux 2021.1
#310 opened by zerodev-exe - 4
found a fix for "l" lazy scripit
#302 opened by oldmate123 - 0
command python is not found
#323 opened by rorty0 - 6
Getting back to terminal
#289 opened by Batzouzou - 0
- 3
I type YES but i takes me to the ''You need to accept the terms. Press any key to continue...'' page
#311 opened by fishboyah - 0
erro No module named setuptools na opcao wifi tools
#319 opened by meno-2002 - 0
SCAN not functioning
#317 opened by NAHydro - 0
fern no such file or directory
#316 opened by JustKeke - 1
[QUESTION] Using the tool inside WSL
#306 opened by mateushnsoares - 0
#312 opened by HYPNOTIChippie - 4
- 3
# Error: Failed to execute child process “l”: Failed to execve: No such file or directory
#308 opened by JustVladKaz - 1
I type yes but it says i didnt
#293 opened by zarstorm11223 - 2
bash: ./l: No such file or directory
#305 opened by cronosd - 4
script wont install
#297 opened by markrharvey - 8
l doesnt launch lazy script
#290 opened by HackerBaus - 2
- 1
- 0
#298 opened by LionCoder101 - 0
- 1
After enabling network manager I lost my wlan0
#291 opened by tera-mithril - 1
- 0
fixed operative-framework gitlink
#288 opened by khalidoy - 3
Kali Rolling (2020.3) x64
#284 opened - 4
Kali Rolling (2020.3) x64
#283 opened - 1
Can't install or run LazyScript
#282 opened by VoidMindNSoul