
The goal of this practice assessment is to test your backend development skills. The objective is to write a simple JSON API.

This practice assessment will not be graded, however the official assessment will be graded based on the following criteria (so it is good practice to keep these categories in mind while completing this practice assessment):

  • Correctness: Is your solution complete and does it pass different test cases?
  • Code Organization, Readability, & Maintainability: Is your code easy to read and well organized?
  • Code Performance: Is your code efficient? Did you use appropriate data structures?
  • Best Practices: Did you utilize good programming practices (write unit tests, avoid anti-patterns)? Did you show a good grasp of your language/framework of choice?

You can use one of the following programming languages to complete the assessment: Javascript (NodeJS), Python, Ruby, Java, Go, or Rust. You may use any framework for your language of choice.

Before you tackle the assessment, it may be helpful to review in your language of choice:

  1. Creating a simple JSON API