
A custom Behat driver for Lumen, which extends the BrowserKit driver and allows you to write functional tests in Lumen using Behat.

Primary LanguagePHP

This version (v2.0.1) is compatible with Lumen 5.2; for older versions use v1.0.0.

This is an adaptation for Lumen of the Laravel Behat Extension package (https://github.com/laracasts/Behat-Laravel-Extension).

It's a custom Behat / Mink driver which extends the BrowserKit driver.

This will allow you to write functional tests using Behat (boot the Lumen application in a custom environment, mock components from the FeatureContext, requests are done directly on the application - no external requests).

To get started, you only need to follow a few steps:

1. Install Dependencies

As always, we need to pull in some dependencies through Composer.

composer require behat/behat behat/mink behat/mink-extension arisro/behat-lumen-extension --dev

This will give us access to Behat, Mink, and, of course, the Lumen extension.

If you want to use a custom .env file for the Behat tests you will need to modify bootstrap/app.php like this:

try {
    (new Dotenv\Dotenv(__DIR__.'/../', isset($dotEnvFile) ?: '.env'))->load();
} catch (Dotenv\Exception\InvalidPathException $e) {

2. Create the behat.yml configuration file

Next, within your project root, create a behat.yml file, and add:

  autoload: [ %paths.base%/tests/functional/contexts ]
      # env_file: .env.behat
      default_session: lumen
      lumen: ~
      paths: [ %paths.base%/tests/functional/features ]
        - FeatureContext

Optinally, you can specify a different .env file for your functional tests (with a test DB for example).

3. Write Some Features

You have a very small example here https://github.com/arisro/behat-lumen-example.

Note: if you want to leverage some of the Mink helpers in your FeatureContext file, then be sure to extend Behat\MinkExtension\Context\MinkContext.