
IMAPExpire is a Perl script that will connect via IMAP and delete messages from specified folders over a certain age.

Primary LanguagePerl

* Author: Mike Cardwell <imapexpire@grepular.com> https://grepular.com/

IMAPExpire is a Perl script that will connect via IMAP and delete messages from
specified folders over a certain age. It relies on a single third party Perl
module to be installed from CPAN named IMAP::Client.

Example 1: Delete all messages older than 7 days from all folders directly
beneath (and including) the INBOX folder.

IMAPExpire --user username --pass password --folders "INBOX" "INBOX/%" --age 7

Run the application with no arguments to see a description of all of the

Required arguments:
   --user username         : The username to log in to IMAP with
   --pass password         : The password to log in to IMAP with
   --passfile file         : An alternative to --pass. File contains the password
   --folders f1 f2         : A list of folder search strings to find the folders
   --age num               : Delete emails over num days old

Optional arguments:
   --debug num             : Set a debug level from 1-9
   --ssl or --tls          : If you don't choose one of these it defaults to an
                           : unencrypted connection
   --host ip.address       : Defaults to
   --port port             : Defaults to 143 or 993 depending on ssl/tls
   --authas user           : To authenticate as a user other than the one in
                           : --user (If this doesn't make sense to you, you
                           : don't need it)
   --test                  : Just display what *would* happen. Don't do the deletions