
A project built using Dash written in Python, Kratsas Records, takes the data inside accidents.parquet and displays it so the user may interact and understand it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Kratsas Records

A project built using Dash written in Python, Kratsas Records, takes the data inside accidents.parquet and displays it so the user may interact and understand it.


To run the program:

  1. Make sure you are at the root of the project.
  2. pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. python or python3 coffee_records_app.py

If any changes are made to the React code "npm run build" must be ran


The project consists of four main files

  1. coffee_records_app.py: The starting file where the Dash application is started and maintained.
  2. coffee_records_functions.py: Several functions that are used inside CRA, some are used more than once, others are in the seperate file for readibility.
  3. coffee_records_test.py: Test for main parquet searching function.
  4. SearchBar.react.js: A React component that the user may interact with to query the DataTable.


-Searchbar: user can enter and search a string of text to see where it appears in the database. This can sometimes take a while to update.
-Mapbox Map: Starts with a zoomed out map of all accidents, when a user clicks on a row, it zooms in to the specific incident, can be hovered over to show data.
-Datatable: Table showing all the data from the stored accidents.parquet to start, and will change based on the users searched term.
-Vehicle Plot: A scatterplot of Model vs Make, with the color being Year, and size being number.

Further improvements

- Increased styling changes, mainly to the title, and the background of the page.
- Added React components, the first of which would be a menu bar, breaking out the application into different webpages: map, plot, table etc.
- Showing the terms that the different weather,road conditions represent.
- The tool used for the latitude/longitude, did not work as well as intended, some locations were not found, leaving to some inaccurate map markers.
- Host the application on GCP/AWS.

