
Option Pricing, Volatility Prediction, Machine Learning, Black Scholas, Web Crawling

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repo is about financial modeling and application:

  • option pricing models such as Black Scholas and its extended version

  • monte carlo simulation for stock price

  • time series analysis

  • visualization

  • Multithreading

  • Web Crawling

  • Root finding method such as Newton

  • Machine Learning

Packages used:

pandas, numpy, scipy, matplotlib, seaborn...

Main language of Modeling

  • Linear : A one-unit change of x corresponds to an m-unit change in y

  • Log : diminshing returns to scale: a constant proportionate change in x is associated with the same absolute change in y

  • Power: A one percent of change in x correpsonds to m percent change in y

  • Exponential: A one-unit of change in x corresponse to 100m% change in y