
Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


A command-line utility that compares Before and After JSON responses of an API. This tool is ideal for regression testing between Production and QA environments or comparing before and after when rewriting a legacy system using newer technology.


$ apicmp help diff
   apicmp diff - apicmp diff

   apicmp diff [command options] [arguments...]

   --before value, -B value  https://api.example.com
   --after value, -A value   https://qa-api.example.com
   --file value, -F value    ~/Downloads/fixtures.csv
   --header value, -H value  'Cache-Control: no-cache'
   --ignore value, -I value  createdAt,modifiedAt
   --rows value, -R value    1,7,12 (Rerun failed or specific tests from file)
   --retry value             424,500 (HTTP status codes)
   --match value             exact|superset (default: "exact")
   --threads value           10 (default: "4")
   --loglevel value          info (default: "debug")
   --jq value                jq expression executed in compared data

CSV File


  • CSV files can be imported into any spreadsheet application and be easily edited, sorted & filtered.
  • Tools like Splunk & Kibana can easily export log data as CSV. This is useful for regression testing live data.
    • For example: You can search last month's logs on Splunk with a sampling rate of 1:10000, export as CSV, and regression test that sample data


  • The CSV file's first line must be a header column (ordering doesn't matter.).
  • The following columns have special meaning.
    • method: This will be the HTTP Method and will default to GET if ommited.
    • path: The value is required and is appended to the --before & --after options provided to the command. Double quotes maybe used if there are any spaces.
    • body: If provided, the value is used for the request body
    • All other fields will forwarded as headers.

Example File:



$ apicmp diff \
-B https://api.example.com \
-A https://qa-api.example.com \
-F ~/Documents/regression_test1.csv \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <MY_TOKEN>' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-I createdAt,modifiedAt \
--retry 500 \
--threads 10


Tip: 'Failed Rows' can be retried with the --rows cli option

$ Summary:
  Total Tests : 273
  Passed      : 263
  Failed      : 10
  Failed Rows : 33,51,102,107,109,152,170,173,239,260
  Time        : 19.990216937s

Issues Found:
       Field       | Issues |          Rows
  _http.StatusCode |      6 | 33,102,107,109,239,260
  field1           |      2 |                152,173
  field2           |      2 |                 51,170


  • Download the latest binary for your OS release from the releases page
  • Rename the file to apicmp
  • Make the file executable (chmod +x apicmp)
  • Checkout the help menu for usage instructions apicmp help
  • (Optional Step) Move it to a folder in your PATH variable. (mv apicmp /usr/local/bin/)


  • Print Test Summary
  • Trace HTTP Requests and Responses (--loglevel trace)
  • Multithreading (--threads 20)
  • Ctrl-C in the middle of a long test run and Print Summary summary of tests that were run
  • Support GET, DELETE methods
  • Support POST, PUT methods


Pull requests are welcome!