
Grind 75 is a better version of Blind 75 which goes beyond 75 questions. I will be adding all the codes with both Brute force & Optimal Approach

Primary LanguageJava

Grind 75 is a better version of Blind 75 which goes beyond 75 questions.

Week 1

Two Sum Array Solution
Valid Parentheses String, Stack Solution
Merge Two Sorted Lists Linked List, Recursion Solution
Invert Binary Tree Tree, DFS, BFS, Binary Tree Solution
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock Array, DP Solution
Binary Search Array, Binary Search Solution
Flood Fill Array, BFS, DFS, Matrix Solution

Week 2

Majority Element Array, Sorting, Hash Table Solution
Climbing Stairs Maths, DP Solution
Add Binary Maths, Strings, Bit Manipulation Solution
Longest Palindrome Hash Table, Strings, Greedy Solution