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Enact to get hired!!

According to new research by the International Labour Office (ILO), about one billion individuals, or around 30% of the global workforce, are unemployed or underemployed in both developed and developing countries. At least 34 million people are unemployed in the world's wealthiest countries, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Last year, unemployment in the European Union rose to an average of 11.3 percent of the workforce.

India is classified as a Third World country and is currently in the process of development. India's progress has been hampered by a high poverty rate, corruption, an out-of-date caste system, and other key concerns.

India's unemployment rate rose to its highest level since 1991 during 2020 as a coronavirus pandemic caused the economy to come to a screeching halt, according to a study. The nation saw one of the toughest lockdowns in the world starting March last year as the pandemic claimed numerous lives, with stringent restrictions on mobility and economic activities across the board.

Students have also suffered greatly as a result of the pandemic. Despite the fact that they have acquired a variety of abilities and experiences, there is no single platform where they can keep all of their accomplishments, and as a result, those achievements are lost over time due to lack of maintenance. India also has a tier structure for colleges that functions as follows.

Let's start with those students who had a good academic record until 10th grade, who studied during 11th and 12th grade, but still couldn't get into Ivy institutions and joyfully rolled into Tier 3/Tier 4 colleges. They study intensively for the University exams in order to maintain their "good" profile. They receive a score of 75 percent plus, 65 percent plus, or 85 percent plus. They complete their final year and are placed in SWITCH firms. These jobs are quite underpaid. Because the duties are so mundane, no matter how brilliant or talented at programming a person is, they will never stand out from the crowd in such a profession.

Companies also prefer to hire from top-tier colleges, which means that lower-ranked college students, regardless of their achievements, are overlooked.

We did this survey after asking our friends what they believe about getting hired in their ideal jobs. This is exactly what they said: Survey Link

76.2% of them stated they are doubtful if they will be able to get a quality job. We're not convinced how fair this system of hiring is.

We are bringing Enacto to put an end to this unjust and also to make the recruiting process considerably easier for companies.

So, what exactly does our app do?

  • Our software assists students in keeping track of their progress throughout their college years.
  • Our programme generates a thorough chart as well as graphs for each student, indicating their primary interests.
  • Our app delivers a full report on each student's progress, including their domain choice, domains in which they excel, and an aggregate progress report for the entire student body.
  • Our software has a real time leaderboard for each domain, allowing one to compete with people from all around the country.
  • All of one's achievements, as well as one’s whole progress report, can be found in one location with our app. One can retrieve all of their data with just one click!

Revenue Model

We realise how exhausting a company's hiring process may be. However, for a small sum of money, we are able to provide them with the greatest applicants with the least amount of effort. There are three subscription packages available in our app: Gold, Silver, and Platinum.

  • A corporation can locate the best applicants with their real-time profile progress and choose suitably.
  • The best pupils will be highlighted on the leaderboards.
  • They can auto validate the pupils' relevant details for a slightly higher fee.
  • They can also search through the student database filtering the results based on their required domains.

So no more pricey processes or trip fees, and no more wasted time scouring every college in the country for suitable candidates. Our app saves you time and money at the same time.

So, what distinguishes each subscription pack?

As mentioned earlier, we have three subscription packs: Gold, Platinum and Silver. A company has to have a monthly subscription of any package of their choice. The amount of student data that each package offers is the key difference among them.

Not just businesses, but also colleges, can have a monthly subscription of rupees five thousand to our app to keep track of their students' development. They will be able to see how their students are doing, what their interests are, and they will receive relevant job offers right to their inbox.

Also, because it is a new platform, we are aware that we may not have a high income percentage in the first year of our start-up. So, in order to keep a consistent revenue stream throughout the year, we've integrated Coil into our platform, which will allow us to monetize the web. This allows streaming micropayments - or fractions of a penny - to flow to websites in real time as users read, watch, or listen.


  • The most pressing question now is what sets our app apart from other placement-related apps?

Our software does not just offer jobs to people based on their CVs, but solely on their real-time progress that has been saved in our app over time. You can keep all of your winnings in a single location. It also allows students to contact directly with their ideal companies, regardless of their tier.

  • Why should Companies sign up for our app?

We realise how exhausting a company's hiring process may be. Spending tens of thousands of dollars on recruiters, hotels, and institutions, just to be dissatisfied with the hires. Our software shows you the best hires and tracks their growth as well as their entire list of accomplishments, saving you money and time.

  • What are the key benefits of our app for college?

The college can use our app to keep track of their students' development in real time. Not only that, but they'll be notified of any recent job postings so that their students are aware of them as well.

  • Sometimes a student will do poorly on one exam but well on another.Is it difficult to discern the student's true position?

Our app delivers a full report on each student's progress, including their domain choice, domains in which they excel, and an aggregate progress report for the entire student body.

  • Do you, as a student, want to know how other students in your college, as well as across the country, are doing?

Our software gives a weekly updated leaderboard for each domain, allowing you to compete with people from all around the country.

  • Are you concerned that your tier may prevent you from getting higher employment offers?

Our app does not reveal your tier until you have been shortlisted in order to protect you from discrimination.

  • Do you believe you're procrastinating and lacking motivation as a result of spending so much time at home?

Compete with your peers in our daily, weekly, and monthly challenges to get back on track to your success.

  • Is there a charge for students to use the app?

There is no cost for each individual student. Only the college has to pay the monthly subscription fee for all it’s students.

End-Points for Students

Endpoints Description
/ Student Login
/register Student Register
/profile Student Profile
/dashboard Student Dashboard
/stats Student Activity Statistics
/awards Student Awards
/jobs Available Job Listings
/job/:jobid Particular Job Landing Page
/student-settings Student Profile Updation
/profile/:profileid Student Public Profile

End-Points for Colleges

Endpoints Description
/college-login College Login
/college-registration College Register
/college-subscription College Subscription Page
/college-dashboard College Dashboard
/college-student College's Students Listing and Management
/college-job Available Jobs
/college-job/:jobid Particular Job Landing Page

End-Points for HRs

Endpoints Description
/hr-login HR Login
/hr-register HR Register
/hr-subscription HR Subscription
/hr-dashboard HR Dashboard
/hr-offers Job Offers made to Students
/hr-jobs Job Posts Management
/hr-data-retrieve HR Data Retrieval
/hr-jobs/:jobid Particular Job Landing Page
/hr-settings HR Profile Updation

Tech Stack

 Sawo Labs

How to run the project?

  1. Clone the Repo

    git clone https://github.com/aritrakrbasu/enacto

  2. Install Dependencies

    npm install

  3. Create an account at Sawo LABS

  4. Create new project inside Developer Console

  5. Enter the Host Name and enter localhost for Development Server

  6. Copy generated API Key, replace API Key inside useEffect Hook in { "src/route/student/Login.js", "src/route/student/Register.js", "src/route/college/College_login.js", "src/route/college/College_registration.js", "src/route/hr/Hrlogin.js", "src/route/hr/HrRegister.js" }

  7. Run the local server

    npm start