Motion Laboratory MP Internship Task
- Basic Object Oriented Programming Concept
- RecyclerView
- Intent
- Basic Object Oriented Programming Concept
- Using RecyclerView
- Using Intent
- Using Toolbar Menu
- Using Picasso
- Create Clean Code Project
- Make Simple Apps with dummy
- Fork this github.
- Check your own repository, make sure DiaryApps on your repository.
- Copy the link / Clone repository / checkout from android studio.
- Fill the TODO Mark and follow the hint and instruction.
- Run the apps and screenshot.
- Don't Forget To Commit and Push your work.
- Upload your application screenshot to classroom.
- Wait Our Team review your apps.
Ikutilah perintah TODO pada class berikut :
- ListNotesModel
- ListNotesAdapter
- ListNotesActivity
- RecyclerView - Tutorial Android RecyclerView dan CardView - by. Dimas Maulana
- Figma - MockUp DiaryApps
- Materi SG 2 - Materi SG 2 - by. Daffa Prima Aji