
Myanmar Uposatha Calendar & Dawn Time Widget

MIT LicenseMIT

Upcal - Uposatha calendar and dawn time

1. Info

Upcal has has three variants: HTML, Andrpid app, and iOS widget (via Scriptable app).

  1. 🌅 upCal HTML

  2. 🌅 upCal Android app Download APK from upCal Android releases

  3. 🌅 iOS widget read instructions


  • Designed for Buddhists or ones who care about dawn-rise, noon time and Uposatha dates (Myanmar Uposatha dates).

  • It shows calculated Myanmar uposatha dates for the current device month & dawn-rise timetable for the current date and location.

  • List a whole year Uposatha dates of any year.

  • Dawn-rise time table for a whole month (Android and HTML only, iOS widget not yet).

iOS widget


  • Whole year Uposatha dates:

Whole Year Uposatha Calendar

Android and HTML

Main screen on Android: Upcal_Uposatha_Calendar_HTML

Dawn-rise time table for a whole month: Upcal_Uposatha_Calendar_HTML

2. Dev

  • Reduce screenshot file size: jpegoptim --size=150k ./*.jpg

  • Upcal-Android source code

  • Source code files for iOS widget (run on Scriptable) are in the docs.

  • TODO: re-organise the very very messy Javascript code and add dawn-rise timetable for iOS widget.

3. Open Source Libraries Acknowledgements

  • Myanmar uposatha dates: powered by the algorithm of Modern Myanmar Calendrical Calculations - MMCal (Yan Naing Aye) (MIT License)

  • Dawn time, sunrise calculations: powered by SunCalc (Vladimir Agafonkin) (MIT License)

  • Scriptable Widget and table UI is based on this Coronavirus Scriptable Widget (03 Oct 2020)

4. Feedback

  • If you found bugs or errors related to this project, you may open a new Git issue or contact us via this Google Form.

  • May you all be well and happy!