- sor.bz - free customizable url shortener.
- 3.ly
- bit.ly
- bitly.kr - Korean URL Shortener Service
- bl.ink
- buff.ly
- clicky.me
- cutt.ly
- Dub.co
- fox.ly - Optimize your URL
- gg.gg
- han.gl - Korean URL Shortener Service
- hoy.kr - Korean URL Shortener Service
- is.gd
- KurzeLinks.de - Link shortener based in Germany.
- kutt.it
- LinkHuddle - Huddle multiple links in one link
- LinkSplit
- lstu.fr - Let's shorten that url
- name.com - Powered by bli.nk
- oe.cd - Only OECD-related URLs can be shortened on this website
- Ow.ly
- rebrandly.com
- reduced.to
- rip.to
- san.aq - scott's url shortener (usable with
) - short.io
- shorten-url.com - Feature rich multi language service with affordable premium plan (lyn.bz domain)
- shorturl.at
- smallseotools
- spoo.me - Shorten Your URLs, Not Your Possiblities
- switchy.io
- T2M
- tinu.be
- Tiny URL
- T.LY
- urlr.me - Reliable URL shortener that provide an API
- v.gd
- vo.la - Korean URL Shortener Service
- yaso.su
- Dub.co - Open-source link management infrastructure
- Eastlake - A short url system based on cloudflare worker.
- kutt.it - Looks to both be a managed service, and self-hosted option, due to being open source on GitHub
- lstu.fr - Another open source link shortener that provides an official instance at the same time
- Polr - a quick, modern, and open-source link shortener. It allows you to host your own URL shortener, to brand your URLs, and to gain control over your data.
- pygmy - An open-source, feature rich & extensible url-shortener + analytics written in Python.
- reduced.to - Open-source user-friendly URL shortener with powerful analytics and management features.
- san.aq - Open-source URL shortener with an HTTP API to shorten long url with curl.
- shlink
- yourls
- cutit.org - website suspended
- git.io - deprecated from GitHub (2022-01-11)
- goo.gl - deprecated from Google (2018-03-30)
- Just-Moh-it/Pckd
- LiveChat URL shortener - temporarily unavailable
- me2.do - deprecated from Naver (2016-08-18)
- s2r.co
- soo.gd
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