
My Movie List is a way to easily manage the movies you've seen. You can add and edit movies, and see the trends in what you've seen.


Thanks for downloading My Movie List! I hope you find this software useful. If you have any question, please shoot. My email address is <arjan@arjaneising.nl>, and you can @-reply on Twitter: <http://twitter.com/arjaneising>.


1. Edit the file /_includes/settings.inc.php to suit your server environment. Choose a good password.
2. Upload all files to your web server.
3. Call http://yourdomain.org/path/install.php.
4. Delete install.php.

Please note, this software is postcardware

If you like My Movie List, please send me a postcard. My address is:

Arjan Eising
De Vos van Steenwijkstraat 26B
9411 LD Beilen
The Netherlands