This is a very early version not ready for use!
Project to monitor and control a RoboMow lawn mower via Bluetooth via an ESP32. Currently targeted to TTGO T-Beam board, which includes GPS and LoRaWan functionality.
Currently a board with PSRAM and 4GB of Flash is required. To use OTA you need 8GB of flash.
Lots of things...
Websocket: refresh webpage disconnects new and old session
Webpage: Recoonect to websocket automatically?
Homepage with RoboMow status view and controls
RS and RC series status
Lora: add frequency plan to UI
Lora: add framecounter reset to UI
BLE: check if BLE crashes when wrong motherboard serial is entered
BLE: check why not proper connection if Serial is freshly entered
Webpage: only auto start portal when no credentials configured
Webpage: enable start portal on button press
GPS: Store data for faster acquisition
GPS: upload time for faster acquisition
General: shrink code size to allow ota
General: fix partion table to allow OTA
General: shrink memory usage to be able to run without PSRAM
General: Reduce Heap usage
General: power saving
- Lora: send old GPS coordinate over different Fport (to avoid polluting TTN mapper)
- Lora: send SF12 message every 6 hours and immediatly after theft?,
- Lora: send regular SF7 message max every 5 minutes, normally every 15 minutes
- Lora: add keys to UI
- Lora: store frame counter in nvm
- General: remove spiffs replace with NVM