
Async support for Peewee ORM

Primary LanguagePython


Async support for Peewee ORM

Tests Status PYPI Version Python Versions



  • python >= 3.8


peewee-aio should be installed using pip:

$ pip install peewee-aio

You can install optional database drivers with:

$ pip install peewee-aio[aiosqlite]   # for SQLite (asyncio)
$ pip install peewee-aio[aiomysql]    # for MySQL (asyncio)
$ pip install peewee-aio[aiopg]       # for Postgresql (asyncio)
$ pip install peewee-aio[asyncpg]     # for Postgresql (asyncio)
$ pip install peewee-aio[trio_mysql]  # for MySQL (trio)
$ pip install peewee-aio[triopg]      # for PostgresQL (trio)


    import peewee
    from peewee_aio import Manager, AIOModel, fields

    manager = Manager('aiosqlite:///:memory:')

    class Role(AIOModel):
        # Pay attention that we are using fields from Peewee-AIO for better typing support
        id = fields.AutoField()
        name = fields.CharField()

    class User(AIOModel):

        # Pay attention that we are using fields from Peewee-AIO for better typing support
        id = fields.AutoField()
        name = fields.CharField()
        role = fields.ForeignKeyField(Role)

    async def handler():

        # Initialize the database's pool (optional)
        async with manager:

            # Acquire a connection
            async with manager.connection():

                # Create the tables in database
                await Role.create_table()
                await User.create_table()

                # Create a record
                role = await Role.create(name='user')
                assert role
                assert role.id  # role.id contains correct string type
                user = await User.create(name="Andrey", role=role)
                assert user
                assert user.id
                role = await user.role  # Load role from DB using the foreign key
                assert role  # role has a correct Role Type

                # Iterate through records
                async for user in User.select(User, Role).join(Role):
                    assert user  # user has a corrent User Type
                    assert user.id
                    role = await user.role  # No DB query here, because the fk is preloaded

                # Change records
                user.name = "Dmitry"
                await user.save()

                # Update records
                await User.update({"name": "Anonimous"}).where(User.id == user.id)

                # Delete records
                await User.delete().where(User.id == user.id)

                # Drop the tables in database
                await User.drop_table()
                await Role.drop_table()

    # Run the handler with your async library
    import asyncio




Sync usage

The library still supports sync mode (use manager.allow_sync):

class Test(peewee.Model):
  data = peewee.CharField()

with manager.allow_sync():
  assert Test.select().count()

Get prefetched relations


# We prefetched roles here
async for user in User.select(User, Role).join(Role):
  role = user.fetch(User.role)  # get role from user relations cache

Bug tracker

If you have any suggestions, bug reports or annoyances please report them to the issue tracker at https://github.com/klen/peewee-aio/issues


Development of the project happens at: https://github.com/klen/peewee-aio


Licensed under a MIT License