Linux RAID monitoring bash toolset

Primary LanguageShell


Linux RAID monitoring bash toolset currently supports HP, Adaptec and MDADM (Software) RAID.

Install hpacucli

Note: Follow this step ONLY if you have a HP RAID card

If on x86_64

cd /tmp
wget http://mirror.nforce.com/pub/software/raidtools/hpacucli-tool/hpacucli-9.40-12.0.x86_64.rpm
rpm -Uvh hpacucli-9.40-12.0.x86_64.rpm

If on i386

cd /tmp
wget http://mirror.nforce.com/pub/software/raidtools/hpacucli-tool/hpacucli-9.40-12.0.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh hpacucli-9.40-12.0.i386.rpm

Other notes

You may need the following as well if the above RPM install fails, install these and then retry the RPM install

yum install glibc.i686 libgcc.i686 libstdc++.i686

Install RAIDMon

 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arjitc/RAIDMon/master/raidmon.sh -O /bin/raidmon
 chmod +x /bin/raidmon

RAIDMon usage

Usage for software (MDADM) based arrays is a bit different and can be found at MDADM-README.md

List all drives

 raidmon listall

List RAID recovery progress

  raidmon rebuildstatus

List Failed drives

  raidmon listfailed