Appian automation framework with Appian-Selenium-API, Selenium, Java, JUnit5, Extent Reporting and Page Factory implementation.

Primary LanguageHTML

SNAP Appian Automation Framework!



Introducing SNAP - Simplified Next-gen Automation Platform!

Streamline your testing process with our cutting-edge framework. SNAP offers cross-browser support, intelligent automation, and seamless integrations. Experience faster, reliable testing and unlock unparalleled efficiency. Join the future of automation with SNAP!

Required System Configuration

  1. Intellij Community Edition
  2. JDK - 11 (Update compiler to Java 11 on Intellij and Also update the same on global level on your pc)
  3. Git Bash

Steps to run Sample Test present on the framework

  1. First open the framework in Intellij Community Edition
  2. Right click build.gradle and click on Build Module "Snap-Appian-Test-Framework"
  3. After the build is successful
  4. Go to 'src/test/java/scripts/SampleTest.java' and Right-click on the file
  5. Click Run "SampleTest"

Steps to configure according to the Project's Needs.

  1. Open this project in an IDE, such as IntelliJ Community Edition
  2. Update configurations:
    1. Open file configs/custom.properties

    2. Update Project Related configs:

      1. TEST_BROWSER = Enter Browser Name on which you want to run your tests - CHROME or EDGE
      2. TEST_SITE_URL = Enter Website URL you want to test
      3. Example:
        • TEST_SITE_URL = Present inside the code
    3. Update User Related Configs

      1. TEST_USERNAME = Enter Username to login
      2. TEST_PASSWORD = Enter Password to login
      3. Example:
        • TEST_USERNAME = Present inside the code
        • TEST_PASSWORD = Present inside the code
    4. Update Report to Email Related Configs (This feature requires additional security approvals, wont suggest to be used on personal mail ID)

      1. TEST_REPORT_RECEIVER_EMAIL = Enter Email on which you want to receive test report
      2. Example:
    5. Intellij Specific Settings

      1. Go to File > Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle
      2. Change 'Run Test Using' to Intellij IDEA
      3. Change 'Gradle JVM' to 11