
Solution to the lunatech assignment

Primary LanguageJava

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Solution to the lunatech assignment


There is also a dao branch of this application, where the code is a little bit more agnostic with respect to the database.

Getting Started

Compiling and Running

To compile and run the application, run

./sbt run

then visit http://localhost:9000.

Anatomy of the application

The application is built using the Play Framework. The 'heart' of the application resides in the folders

  • models

Here we defined the model that describe our data. Basically it are just datastructures via which we can interact with our data (in our case, a SQL database). In this application, we created models Country, Airport and Runway.

  • controllers

Each controller consists of actions, which do something with the requests going to the server. In our application, we have QueryController to handle queries, ReportController to generate a report, and HomeController to serve a welcome page.

  • views

This folder consists of templates to make the html pages rendered by the actions.

The application uses the H2 in memory database and JPA/Hibernate. Before the application starts, it populates the database using dist/init.sql as specified in application.conf:

default.url = "jdbc:h2:mem:play;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;INIT=runscript from 'dist/init.sql'"

The init.sql file calls the csvread function from H2 on countries.csv, airports.csv and runways.csv in the dist/ folder.

Fuzzysearch is implemented on the client side, using horsey and fuzzysearch. This javascript uses a list of countries, which is retreived from localhost:9000/countries/name