
Small text to pig latin transformer

Primary LanguageRust

Pig Latin tool

This program takes a text file as input, transforms it to pig latin, and writes that to a text file as output.

Source Code

See all of the code at: https://github.com/arjun-menon/pig_latin/blob/master/src/main.rs



  1. Install Rust. See this guideline.
  2. Clone this repo. Inside the repo, run cargo build --release.
  3. The compiled exectuable should be at target/release/pig_latin.


Run the pig_latin exectuable (from above, with no arguments) to do a test run against t8.shakespeare.txt. Provide a different input file as an argument to pig_latin (see CLI section below), for example: pig_latin alexis_de_tocqueville.txt.

By default, the output ends up at output.txt, but a different output file can be specified using the --output flag.

Low Memory Option

Run pig_latin with --lowmem to use less memory. When running with this option enabled, pig_latin will process the text file line-by-line (while also limiting processing to a single thread), and hence the overall and peak memory usage will be significantly lower. (In normal processing, the text file processed in parallel via rayon by a number of threads up to the number of CPUs on the system.)

Comamnd-Line Interface (CLI)

pig_latin comes with a simple CLI. Run pig_latin --help to get this overview of the command-line arguments:

Transform text into pig latin

    pig_latin [OPTIONS] [FILENAME]

    <FILENAME>    File name to process

    -h, --help               Print help information
    -l, --lowmem             Use less RAM (random access memory)
    -o, --output <OUTPUT>    Output file name [default: output.txt]