
Primary LanguageElixir


Running The Application

To run the application you have two options

  1. If you have latest version of elixir and OTP installed then.

run the app with command

iex -S mix
  1. In case you don't want to install elixir and OTP yourself you can use the docker version and run the following command.
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml run drone_simulator

Both the above mentioned commands run the application in interactive shell mode.

Application and Details

Problem Statement

Write a simulation that has one dispatcher and two drones. Each drone should "move" independently on different processes. The dispatcher should send the coordinates to each drone detailing where the drone's next position should be. The dispatcher should also be responsible for terminating the program. When the drone receives a new coordinate, it moves, checks if there is a tube station in the area, and if so, reports on the traffic conditions there.

** Things to Note **

  • The simulation should finish @ 08:10, where the drones will receive a "SHUTDOWN" signal.
  • The two drones have IDs 6043 and 5937. There is a file containing their lat/lon points for their routes. The csv file layout is drone id,latitude, longitude,time
  • There is also a file with the lat/lon points for London tube stations. station,lat,lon
  • Traffic reports should have the following format:
    • Drone ID
    • Time
    • Speed
    • Conditions of Traffic (HEAVY, LIGHT, MODERATE). This can be chosen randomly.

** Important Remarks **

  • A nearby station should be less than 350 meters from the drone's position.
  • Bonus point: Put a constraint on each drone to have limited memory, so they can only consume ten points at a time.

Application Design

The entire application can be sub-divided into three parts:

  • Control: Handles the ticker, dispatcher and consumer processes.
  • Drone: Handles data related to drones and holds helper modules to handle drone related functionalities.
  • Tube: Handles data and helper modules related to Tube Stations.

Supervision Tree


  | - Application
    |-- DroneSimulator.DroneDataSupervisor
        |-- drone_id_1
        |-- drone_id_2
        |-- drone_id_n
    |-- DroneSimulator.Tube.DataAgent

At the start of the application supervision tree starts DroneDataSupervisor and tube data agent. The DroneDataSupervisor is responsible for starting agents for each drone_id configured in the application. /config/config.exs

config :drone_simulator,
  drone_ids: [5937, 6043]

It starts one agent for each id in the drone_ids list and supervises it using :one_for_one strategy.

The DroneSimulator.Tube.DataAgent starts an agent for holding tube station data. The data strucuture used by the agent is a quadtree to hold all the co-ordinates for different stations. A quadtree is being used here as it allows efficient search for nearest neighbours, given a set of location co-oridnates.

Control Supervisor

The control supervisor DroneSimulator.ControlSupervisor, starts after user confirmation to start the simulator.

  | -- DroneSimulator.ControlSupervisor
      | -- DroneSimulator.Control.Timer
      | -- DroneSimulator.Control.Dispatcher
      | -- drone_process_id_1
      | -- .
      | --drone_process_id_n

Upon user confirmation the DroneSimulator.ControlSupervisor starts, the timer process, a dispatcher and multiple drone_processes depending on the drone ids configured in the application. The strategy used here is :rest_for_one so as to provide the required fault tolerance.

To implement the communication between dispatcher, DroneSimulator.Control.Dispatcher and drone_processes elixir's GenStage behaviour is used. This was done keeping in mind the requirement of memory limit on drone processes. GenStage provides a backpressure mechanism where consumer processes(here drone_processes) can limit the number of events being sent by the producer(DroneSimulator.Control.Dispatcher).

The Dispatcher here uses the GenStage.BroadcastDispatcher to dispatch events. This behaviour allows the consumer processes to subscribe to events specific to them. Here the filtering for events is being done based on the drone_id. This allows drone_processes to run independently and in isolation.


config :drone_simulator,
  timer_start_date_time: "2011-03-22 07:55:00",
  timer_end_date_time: "2011-03-22 08:15:00",
  ticking_cycle: 10_000

The ticking cycle(in milliseconds) here controls the speed of the timer which basically ticks to the next minute in specified time. See /lib/drone_simulator/control/timer.ex.