
The Ejabberd HTTP Client gem streamlines Ruby-based communication with Ejabberd XMPP servers, making it easier and more efficient

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Ejabberd Http Client

License: MIT Gem Version Downloads Tests

The Ejabberd HTTP Client gem is a powerful and flexible Ruby library that simplifies communication with Ejabberd XMPP servers via their HTTP API. Ejabberd is a widely used XMPP server for real-time messaging and collaboration, and this gem empowers developers to integrate Ejabberd seamlessly into their Ruby applications.

Ejabberd Offical API Doc: https://docs.ejabberd.im/developer/ejabberd-api/


  • Simplified Interaction: Easily send and receive XMPP messages, manage user accounts, and perform administrative tasks on your Ejabberd server through a clean and intuitive Ruby API.

  • HTTP API Integration: Seamlessly connect to the Ejabberd server's HTTP API, allowing you to harness the full potential of XMPP communication within your Ruby application.

  • Customization: Tailor your XMPP interactions by configuring various options, such as message types, presence status, and more, to suit your specific use cases.

  • Open Source: This gem is open source and actively maintained, providing a reliable and up-to-date solution for integrating Ejabberd with your Ruby projects.

  • Comprehensive Documentation: Benefit from detailed documentation and usage examples to quickly get started and make the most of the gem's capabilities.


Add this to the Gemfile:

gem 'ejabberd_http_client', '~> 1.0.0'

Include the Ruby code directly

Include the Ruby code directly using -I as follows:

ruby -Ilib script.rb

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following code:

# Load the gem
require 'ejabberd_http_client'

api_instance = EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi.new
ban_account_request = EjabberdHttpClient::BanAccountRequest.new # BanAccountRequest |

  #Ban an account by kicking sessions and setting a random password.
rescue EjabberdHttpClient::ApiError => e
  puts "Exception when calling AccountsApi->ban_account: #{e}"

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost

Class Method HTTP request Description
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi ban_account POST /api/ban_account Ban an account by kicking sessions and setting a random password.
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi change_password POST /api/change_password Change the password of an account.
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi check_account POST /api/check_account Check if an account exists or not.
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi check_password POST /api/check_password Check if a password is correct for a given user and host.
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi check_password_hash POST /api/check_password_hash Check if the password hash for a user is correct. Allows hash methods from the Erlang/OTP crypto application.
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi delete_old_users POST /api/delete_old_users Delete users that didn't log in last days, or that never logged.
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi register POST /api/register Register a user.
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi registered_users POST /api/registered_users List all registered users in HOST.
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi unban_ip POST /api/unban_ip Remove banned IP addresses from the fail2ban table.
EjabberdHttpClient::AccountsApi unregister_user POST /api/unregister Unregister a user.
EjabberdHttpClient::AcmeApi list_certificates POST /api/list_certificates Lists all ACME certificates.
EjabberdHttpClient::AcmeApi request_certificate POST /api/request_certificate Requests certificates for specified domains.
EjabberdHttpClient::AcmeApi revoke_certificate POST /api/revoke_certificate Revokes the selected ACME certificate.
EjabberdHttpClient::ClusterApi join_cluster POST /api/join_cluster Join this node into the cluster handled by Node.
EjabberdHttpClient::ClusterApi leave_cluster POST /api/leave_cluster Remove and shutdown Node from the running cluster.
EjabberdHttpClient::ClusterApi list_cluster POST /api/list_cluster List nodes that are part of the cluster handled by Node.
EjabberdHttpClient::ClusterApi set_master POST /api/set_master Set master node of the clustered Mnesia tables.
EjabberdHttpClient::ConfigApi convert_to_yaml POST /api/convert_to_yaml Convert the input configuration file from Erlang to YAML format.
EjabberdHttpClient::ConfigApi dump_config POST /api/dump_config Dump configuration in YAML format as seen by ejabberd.
EjabberdHttpClient::ConfigApi reload_config POST /api/reload_config Reload config file in memory.
EjabberdHttpClient::DocumentationApi gen_html_doc_for_commands POST /api/gen_html_doc_for_commands Generates html documentation for ejabberd_commands.
EjabberdHttpClient::DocumentationApi gen_markdown_doc_for_commands POST /api/gen_markdown_doc_for_commands Generates markdown documentation for ejabberd_commands.
EjabberdHttpClient::DocumentationApi gen_markdown_doc_for_tags POST /api/gen_markdown_doc_for_tags Generates markdown documentation for ejabberd_commands.
EjabberdHttpClient::DocumentationApi generate_manpage POST /api/man Generate Unix manpage for current ejabberd version.
EjabberdHttpClient::ErlangApi compile POST /api/compile Recompile and reload Erlang source code file.
EjabberdHttpClient::ErlangApi get_cookie POST /api/get_cookie Get the Erlang cookie of this node.
EjabberdHttpClient::ErlangApi restart_module POST /api/restart_module Stop an ejabberd module, reload code, and start.
EjabberdHttpClient::LastApi get_last POST /api/get_last Get last activity information.
EjabberdHttpClient::LastApi set_last POST /api/set_last Set last activity information.
EjabberdHttpClient::LogsApi get_loglevel POST /api/get_loglevel Get the current log level.
EjabberdHttpClient::LogsApi reopen_log POST /api/reopen_log Reopen the log files after being renamed.
EjabberdHttpClient::LogsApi rotate_log POST /api/rotate_log Rotate the log files.
EjabberdHttpClient::LogsApi set_loglevel POST /api/set_loglevel Set the loglevel.
EjabberdHttpClient::MamApi remove_mam_for_user POST /api/remove_mam_for_user Remove mam archive for user.
EjabberdHttpClient::MamApi remove_mam_for_user_with_peer POST /api/remove_mam_for_user_with_peer Remove mam archive for user with peer.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi backup POST /api/backup Backup the Mnesia database to a binary file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi change_node_name POST /api/mnesia_change_nodename Change the erlang node name in a backup file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi delete_mnesia POST /api/delete_mnesia Delete elements in Mnesia database for a given vhost.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi dump POST /api/dump Dump the Mnesia database to a text file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi dump_table POST /api/dump_table Dump a Mnesia table to a text file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi export2sql POST /api/export2sql Export virtual host information from Mnesia tables to SQL file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi export_piefxis POST /api/export_piefxis Export data of all users in the server to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227).
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi export_piefxis_host POST /api/export_piefxis_host Export data of users in a host to PIEFXIS files (XEP-0227).
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi global_mnesia_info POST /api/mnesia_info Dump info on global Mnesia state.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi import_dir POST /api/import_dir Import users data from jabberd14 spool dir.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi import_file POST /api/import_file Import user data from jabberd14 spool file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi import_piefxis POST /api/import_piefxis Import users data from a PIEFXIS file (XEP-0227).
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi import_prosody POST /api/import_prosody Import data from Prosody.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi install_fallback POST /api/install_fallback Install Mnesia database from a binary backup file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi load_database POST /api/load Restore Mnesia database from a text dump file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi restore POST /api/restore Restore the Mnesia database from a binary backup file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MnesiaApi table_mnesia_info POST /api/mnesia_table_info Dump info on Mnesia table state.
EjabberdHttpClient::ModulesApi check_module POST /api/module_check Check the contributed module repository compliance.
EjabberdHttpClient::ModulesApi install_module POST /api/module_install Compile, install and start an available contributed module.
EjabberdHttpClient::ModulesApi list_available_modules POST /api/modules_available List the contributed modules available to install.
EjabberdHttpClient::ModulesApi list_installed_modules POST /api/modules_installed List the contributed modules already installed.
EjabberdHttpClient::ModulesApi uninstall_module POST /api/module_uninstall Uninstall a contributed module.
EjabberdHttpClient::ModulesApi update_module_specs POST /api/modules_update_specs Update the module source code from Git.
EjabberdHttpClient::ModulesApi upgrade_module POST /api/module_upgrade Upgrade the running code of an installed module.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi create_rooms_file POST /api/create_rooms_file Create the rooms indicated in file.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi get_user_rooms POST /api/get_user_rooms Get the list of rooms where this user is occupant.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi get_user_subscriptions POST /api/get_user_subscriptions Get the list of rooms where this user is subscribed.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi list_muc_online_rooms POST /api/muc_online_rooms List existing rooms ('global' to get all vhosts).
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi list_muc_online_rooms_by_regex POST /api/muc_online_rooms_by_regex List existing rooms ('global' to get all vhosts) by regex.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi register_muc_nick POST /api/muc_register_nick Register a nick to a User JID in a MUC service.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi rooms_empty_destroy POST /api/rooms_empty_destroy Destroy the rooms that have no messages in archive.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi rooms_empty_list POST /api/rooms_empty_list List the rooms that have no messages in archive.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi rooms_unused_destroy POST /api/rooms_unused_destroy Destroy the rooms that are unused for many days in the service.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi rooms_unused_list POST /api/rooms_unused_list List the rooms that are unused for many days in the service.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucApi unregister_muc_nick POST /api/muc_unregister_nick Unregister the nick registered by that account in the MUC service.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi change_room_option POST /api/change_room_option Change an option in a MUC room.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi create_room POST /api/create_room Create a MUC room using name@service in the given host.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi create_room_with_options POST /api/create_room_with_opts Create a MUC room using name@service in the given host with specific options.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi get_room_affiliation POST /api/get_room_affiliation Get affiliation of a user in MUC room.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi get_room_affiliations POST /api/get_room_affiliations Get the list of affiliations of a MUC room.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi get_room_history POST /api/get_room_history Get history of messages stored inside MUC room state.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi get_room_occupants POST /api/get_room_occupants Get the list of occupants of a MUC room.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi get_room_occupants_number POST /api/get_room_occupants_number Get the number of occupants of a MUC room.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi get_room_options POST /api/get_room_options Get options from a MUC room.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi get_subscribers POST /api/get_subscribers List subscribers of a MUC conference.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi send_direct_invitation POST /api/send_direct_invitation Send a direct invitation to several destinations.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi set_room_affiliation POST /api/set_room_affiliation Change an affiliation in a MUC room.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi subscribe_to_room POST /api/subscribe_room Subscribe to a MUC conference.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi subscribe_to_room_many POST /api/subscribe_room_many Subscribe several users to a MUC conference.
EjabberdHttpClient::MucRoomApi unsubscribe_from_room POST /api/unsubscribe_room Unsubscribe from a MUC conference.
EjabberdHttpClient::OauthApi add_o_auth_client_implicit POST /api/oauth_add_client_implicit Add OAUTH client_id with implicit grant type.
EjabberdHttpClient::OauthApi add_o_auth_client_password POST /api/oauth_add_client_password Add OAUTH client_id with password grant type.
EjabberdHttpClient::OauthApi issue_o_auth_token POST /api/oauth_issue_token Issue an oauth token for the given jid.
EjabberdHttpClient::OauthApi list_o_auth_tokens POST /api/oauth_list_tokens List OAuth tokens, their users and scopes, and their time until expiration.
EjabberdHttpClient::OauthApi remove_o_auth_client POST /api/oauth_remove_client Remove an OAuth client_id.
EjabberdHttpClient::OauthApi revoke_o_auth_token POST /api/oauth_revoke_token Revoke an existing OAuth token.
EjabberdHttpClient::OfflineApi get_offline_count POST /api/get_offline_count Get the number of unread offline messages.
EjabberdHttpClient::PrivateApi bookmarks_to_pep POST /api/bookmarks_to_pep Export private XML storage bookmarks to PEP.
EjabberdHttpClient::PrivateApi private_get POST /api/private_get Get some information from a user private storage.
EjabberdHttpClient::PrivateApi private_set POST /api/private_set Set to the user private storage.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi abort_delete_old_mam_messages POST /api/abort_delete_old_mam_messages Abort currently running delete old MAM messages operation.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi abort_delete_old_messages POST /api/abort_delete_old_messages Abort currently running delete old offline messages operation.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_expired_messages POST /api/delete_expired_messages Delete expired offline messages from database.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_expired_pubsub_items POST /api/delete_expired_pubsub_items Delete expired PubSub items.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_old_mam_messages POST /api/delete_old_mam_messages Delete MAM messages older than DAYS.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_old_mam_messages_batch POST /api/delete_old_mam_messages_batch Delete MAM messages older than DAYS in batches.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_old_mam_messages_status POST /api/delete_old_mam_messages_status Status of delete old MAM messages operation.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_old_messages POST /api/delete_old_messages Delete offline messages older than DAYS.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_old_messages_batch POST /api/delete_old_messages_batch Delete offline messages older than DAYS.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_old_messages_status POST /api/delete_old_messages_status Status of delete old offline messages operation.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_old_pubsub_items POST /api/delete_old_pubsub_items Keep only NUMBER of PubSub items per node.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_old_push_sessions POST /api/delete_old_push_sessions Remove push sessions older than DAYS.
EjabberdHttpClient::PurgeApi delete_old_users POST /api/delete_old_users Delete users that didn't log in last days, or that never logged.
EjabberdHttpClient::RosterApi add_roster_item POST /api/add_rosteritem Add an item to a user's roster (supports ODBC). Groups can be multiple, separated by ; (e.g., g1;g2;g3).
EjabberdHttpClient::RosterApi get_roster POST /api/get_roster Get list of contacts in a local user roster.
EjabberdHttpClient::RosterApi process_roster_items POST /api/process_rosteritems List/delete rosteritems that match filter.
EjabberdHttpClient::RosterApi push_all_to_all POST /api/push_alltoall Add all the users to all the users of Host in Group.
EjabberdHttpClient::RosterApi push_roster POST /api/push_roster Push template roster from file to a user.
EjabberdHttpClient::RosterApi push_roster_all POST /api/push_roster_all Push template roster from file to all those users.
EjabberdHttpClient::S2sApi get_outgoing_s2s_number POST /api/outgoing_s2s_number Number of outgoing s2s connections on the node.
EjabberdHttpClient::S2sApi incoming_s2s_number POST /api/incoming_s2s_number Number of incoming s2s connections on the node.
EjabberdHttpClient::S2sApi stop_s2s_connections POST /api/stop_s2s_connections Stop all s2s outgoing and incoming connections.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi clear_cache POST /api/clear_cache Clear database cache on all nodes.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi gc POST /api/gc Force full garbage collection.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi get_status POST /api/status Get status of the ejabberd server.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi halt POST /api/halt Halt ejabberd abruptly with status code 1.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi registered_vhosts POST /api/registered_vhosts List all registered vhosts in SERVER.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi restart POST /api/restart Restart ejabberd gracefully.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi stop_ejabberd POST /api/stop Stop Ejabberd gracefully.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi stop_kindly POST /api/stop_kindly Inform users and rooms, wait, and stop the server.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi update_list POST /api/update_list List modified modules that can be updated.
EjabberdHttpClient::ServerApi update_module POST /api/update Update the given module or use the keyword 'all'.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi connected_users POST /api/connected_users List all established user sessions.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi connected_users_info POST /api/connected_users_info List all established sessions and their information.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi connected_users_number POST /api/connected_users_number Get the number of established sessions.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi connected_users_v_host POST /api/connected_users_vhost Get the list of established sessions in a vhost.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi get_num_resources POST /api/num_resources Get the number of resources of a user.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi get_presence POST /api/get_presence Retrieve the resource with highest priority, and its presence for a given user.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi get_status_list POST /api/status_list List of logged users with this status.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi get_status_list_host POST /api/status_list_host List of users logged in host with their statuses.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi get_status_num POST /api/status_num Number of logged users with a specific status.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi get_status_num_host POST /api/status_num_host Number of logged users with a specific status in a host.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi get_user_sessions_info POST /api/user_sessions_info Get information about all sessions of a user.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi kick_session POST /api/kick_session Kick a user session.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi kick_user POST /api/kick_user Disconnect user's active sessions.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi list_user_resources POST /api/user_resources List a user's connected resources.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi resource_num POST /api/resource_num Resource string of a session number.
EjabberdHttpClient::SessionApi set_presence POST /api/set_presence Set presence of a session.
EjabberdHttpClient::SharedRosterGroupApi srg_create POST /api/srg_create Create a Shared Roster Group.
EjabberdHttpClient::SharedRosterGroupApi srg_delete POST /api/srg_delete Delete a Shared Roster Group.
EjabberdHttpClient::SharedRosterGroupApi srg_get_info POST /api/srg_get_info Get info of a Shared Roster Group.
EjabberdHttpClient::SharedRosterGroupApi srg_get_members POST /api/srg_get_members Get members of a Shared Roster Group.
EjabberdHttpClient::SharedRosterGroupApi srg_list POST /api/srg_list List the Shared Roster Groups in a host.
EjabberdHttpClient::SharedRosterGroupApi srg_user_add POST /api/srg_user_add Add the JID user@host to a Shared Roster Group.
EjabberdHttpClient::SharedRosterGroupApi srg_user_del POST /api/srg_user_del Delete the JID user@host from a Shared Roster Group.
EjabberdHttpClient::SqlApi convert_to_scram POST /api/convert_to_scram Convert the passwords of users to SCRAM for a given vhost.
EjabberdHttpClient::SqlApi import_prosody POST /api/import_prosody Import data from Prosody.
EjabberdHttpClient::SqlApi update_sql POST /api/update_sql Convert MS SQL, MySQL, or PostgreSQL DB to the new format.
EjabberdHttpClient::StanzaApi privacy_set POST /api/privacy_set Send a IQ set privacy stanza for a local account.
EjabberdHttpClient::StanzaApi send_message POST /api/send_message Send a message to a local or remote bare of full JID.
EjabberdHttpClient::StanzaApi send_stanza POST /api/send_stanza Send a stanza; provide From JID and valid To JID.
EjabberdHttpClient::StanzaApi send_stanza_c2_s POST /api/send_stanza_c2s Send a stanza from an existing C2S session.
EjabberdHttpClient::StatisticsApi connected_users_number POST /api/connected_users_number Get the number of established sessions.
EjabberdHttpClient::StatisticsApi get_outgoing_s2s_number POST /api/outgoing_s2s_number Number of outgoing s2s connections on the node.
EjabberdHttpClient::StatisticsApi get_stats POST /api/stats Get statistical value - registeredusers, onlineusers, onlineusersnode, uptimeseconds, processes.
EjabberdHttpClient::StatisticsApi get_stats_host POST /api/stats_host Get statistical value for this host - registeredusers, onlineusers.
EjabberdHttpClient::StatisticsApi get_status_num POST /api/status_num Number of logged users with a specific status.
EjabberdHttpClient::StatisticsApi get_status_num_host POST /api/status_num_host Number of logged users with a specific status in a host.
EjabberdHttpClient::StatisticsApi incoming_s2s_number POST /api/incoming_s2s_number Number of incoming s2s connections on the node.
EjabberdHttpClient::VcardApi get_vcard POST /api/get_vcard Get content from a vCard field.
EjabberdHttpClient::VcardApi get_vcard2 POST /api/get_vcard2 Get content from a vCard subfield.
EjabberdHttpClient::VcardApi get_vcard2_multi POST /api/get_vcard2_multi Get multiple contents from a vCard field.
EjabberdHttpClient::VcardApi set_nickname POST /api/set_nickname Set nickname in a user's vCard.
EjabberdHttpClient::VcardApi set_vcard POST /api/set_vcard Set content in a vCard field.
EjabberdHttpClient::VcardApi set_vcard2 POST /api/set_vcard2 Set content in a vCard subfield.
EjabberdHttpClient::VcardApi set_vcard2_multi POST /api/set_vcard2_multi Set multiple contents in a vCard subfield.

Documentation for Models


First, install dependencies, then run tests:

  bundle install
  bundle exec rspec


Contributions are welcome! Please read our Code of Conduct before contributing to help this project stay welcoming.

  • Fork it (https://github.com/arjun9/ejabberd_http_client/fork)
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  • Create a new Pull Request


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its terms.


For all notable changes made to this project, see the Changelog.