Pong Game written in C

This is a simple implementation of the classic Pong game written in C using the Raylib library for graphics and input handling. The game is designed to run on various platforms with the help of Raylib's multi-platform support.

Raylib Installation

To use Raylib in your own projects, you can follow the installation instructions provided in the Raylib GitHub repository.

Installation in Debian Based Distros (Eg: Ubuntu)

   sudo apt install raylib

Installation in Arch Based Distros

   sudo pacman -S raylib

Getting Started

To compile and run the game, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/arjunchoudhury07/pong.git
  2. Navigate to the directory:

    cd pong
  3. Make the build script executable:

    chmod +x build.sh
  4. Compile the game:

  5. Run the game:



  • Use the keyboard controls to move the paddle up and down.
  • The objective is to hit the ball past the opponent's paddle.
  • If a Player misses the ball Opponent scores a point.


  • W Key: Move left paddle up
  • S Key: Move left paddle down
  • UP Key: Move right paddle up
  • DOWN Key: Move right paddle down


  • Basic Pong game mechanics.
  • Graphics and input handling using the Raylib library.


  • Inspired by the classic Pong game.
  • Utilizes the Raylib library for graphics and input handling.