
A challenge to read a csv in python and export it

pandas-python challenge

A quick challenge to read a csv in python and export it...


You will need python and the package pandas to complete this challenge. How you choose to set this up is up to you.


  1. Use python and pandas to read "cereals.csv" provided in this repo (n.b. the files isn't separated by commas!)

  2. Print the column names and take a screenshot

  3. Change the datatype of the column 'rating' to integer

  4. Export the dataframe to a new csv called "cleaned_cereals.csv"

  5. (optional) Split the csv into 2 separated csvs, called:

  • split1_cereal.csv
  • split2_cereal.csv

Instructions for submission (via Github)

Fork this repository and add your files to a folder with your name on it. The required files are :

  1. cleaned_cereals.csv
  2. Screenshot of column names
  3. (optional) Additional pair of split csvs

Then to submit, create a pull request to merge.
