This repository contains the code from the following paper:

Jeremy G. Siek and Manish Vachharajani. Gradual Typing with Unification-based Inference. Dynamic Languages Symposium (DLS) 2008.

The directory /gtubi contains code downloaded from:

With these changes:

  • I deleted the .svn directories
  • There were two copies of the tool. As far as I could tell, the only difference was that one desugared let-expressions to applications, whereas the other did not. The copy in the repository supports let-expressions directly.
  • I modified the Makefile to use ocamlopt
  • Omitting a type annotation produces a metavariable and not a ?
  • Some hacks to support an infix +

I have modified the main program to print the full program after type inference.

The code in the root directory uses Docker to create an operating environment that supports an older version of OCaml that can compile and run the code. The main reason this code no longer works is that OCaml 4.02 introduced a distinction between immutable strings and mutable bytes. It is probably fairly easy to fix.

To build the environment:


To access the environment:


On a Linux host, you can directly run ./gtlc instead of using the Docker environment.