
This plugin is used to get the feeds from different blogs .You can save these feeds as a post draft.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== WPGetBlogFeeds ===
Contributors: arjunjain08	
Author URI: http://www.arjunjain.info
Donate link: http://www.arjunjain.info
Plugin URI: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wpgetblogfeeds/ 
Tags: feeds, blogs, admin, plugin, Post,draft, feed url,
Requires at least: 2.8
Tested up to: 3.4.2
Stable tag: 2.4

This plugin is used to get the feeds from any blog.You can also save these feeds as a post draft.

== Description ==

This plugin is used to get the feeds from different blogs .You can save these feeds as a post draft.

== Support ==

Fill up this form [ http://www.arjunjain.info/contact ] to leave comments,ask question,suggest new feature etc.

== Installation ==

* Unzip
* Upload to your plugin directory
* Enable the plugin

= Please enable these two option in your php.ini file if plugin not work in your environment =

* allow_url_fopen = On
* allow_url_include = On

== Using the WPGetBlogFeeds ==

* Add website URL 
* Select website URL and click "Go" button you will get the feed from blog
* You may save these feeds as a draft

== Screenshots ==

1. Blog Feeds with some blog URL
2. Manage all blog url
== Changelog == 

= 1.0 (2012-1-6) =
* Update readme.txt file

= 2.0 (2012-1-16) =
* No need to add website feed URL just add website URL, plugin find the feed url(if available) automatically
* Fix IE bug .
* Fix SimpleXmlElement bug
* Fix New URL added bug

= 2.1 (2012-1-18) =
* Fix file path detection of js and css files bug

= 2.2 (2012-1-20) =
* Website URL add bug fix

= 2.3 (2012-2-6) =
* Add db version to plugin database table. Required in future updates of the plugin. 

= 2.4 (2012-11-14) =
* change plugin ui, update feed library