- Section 1: Getting Started
- Section 2: React Native Basics
- Section 3: Debugging React Native Apps
- Section 4: Dive Deeper into Components, Layout, & Styling
- Section 5: Building Adaptive User Interfaces
- Section 6: React Native Navigation with React Navigation
- Section 7: App-wide State Management with Redux & Context
- Section 8: Time To Practice - The Expense Tracker App
- Section 9: Handling User Input
- Section 10: Sending HTTP Requests
- Section 11: User Authentication
- Section 12: Using Native Device Features (Camera, Location, & More)
- Section 13: Building React Native Apps Without Expo
- Section 14: Publishing React Native Apps
- Section 15: Push Notifications
- Section 16: Course Roundup
A React Native + TypeScript application with which a user can add and manage expenses. Application is implemented with Tab Navigation between Recent and All Expenses as well as Stack Navigation between the screens for Viewing and Managing Expenses. A user can create, update, and delete an expense. An expense contains the amount in US dollars, a date, and a description. The ExpenseForm is implemented with input validation as well as validation feedback to the user.
A React Native + TypeScript application with which a user can browse a grid of food categories, select a category, view meals of that category, select a meal, and view a list of ingredients and steps to make this meal.
A React Native + TypeScript application in which a user chooses a number between 1 and 99, and provides hints (higher or lower) to the application trying to guess this number. Game is adaptable on both portrait and landscape modes.
A simple React Native + JavaScript application in which a user can create a goal, view and scroll through their list of goals, and delete a goal by tapping on it.