
A Weather Dashboard for the user to look at the weather within their city which includes a 5-Day Forecast.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



For this Project, I had been asked to design a Weather Dashboard for the user. The user would come onto the application and see a form saying to search for a city. When a value is inputted into the box it will give you the weather update for the current days and the next 5 days after! It will give you the temperature, humidity and wind speed. For the current day it will give you a UV index which tells you if it is favourable or not with a setting of 3 different colours of whether the UV index is safe or not. You can search for many cities as you like and will store next to the input bar which the user can click on.

Technologies Used

For this Project, I used the OpenWeather API. On this API it gave me information for getting the latitude and longitude co-ordinates for any city that I would like. I would use thos co-ordinates for the parameters for a fetch clause which would get the latitude and logitude and get the weather for that city or region. I used Javascript (Mostly Vanilla), Bootstrap CSS and HTML to design the application.

Challenges Faced and Accomplishments

For this Project, I feel there were many challenges surrounding with the API calling, I did find it hard and did not know how to map out on the second calling which the kind teaching assistants helped me with and put me in the right direction. With this homework, I feel more comfortable working with APIs and being able to call them into my application and know how to access each key value.

Link and Screenshot

Link: https://arjunkhakh.github.io/Check-If-The-Weather-Is-Bright-or-Blight/

Screenshot: image image


Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/arjun-khakh-117757225/

Created by Arjun Khakh©