

In this assignment, I was asked to create a back-end application for managers to track and operate their team. The Database would show the Employees, The Departments, The Salaries and The Roles for the company. By Doing this, you would go into the terminal where the application would run and then from there would be a set of questions which you would have to go through and complete. Some of the questions would include viewing the tables, while others would either update or add to the database.

Technologies Used

  1. Javascript
  2. Node.js
  3. Inqurier Dependency
  4. Console.Table Depenedency
  5. MySQL Databases
  6. MySQL2 Dependency

How To Start

Once Cloned Onto Your Repo (all dependencies should also be downloaded also) then just open a terminal where the server.js file is located and type 'node server.js' to start the application

Screenshot and Video


