
An API Application which can be used to Create, Edit or Delete Products or their Categories and Tags.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



For this Assignment, I had to create a Back-End E-Commerce API Application. For this app, The user can create,update,view or delete Categories, Products and Tags. Using Insomnia and creating the routes, it gives the user the option to do what they need to edit the API.

Technologies Used

1.Javascript 2.Express.js / Router 3.Sequelize (MYSQL) 4.Insomnia

Challenges Faced

One of the biggest challenges from this was getting the routes to work. For some of the routes, it would keep giving me 'Error 200' meaning it will not let the user do anything because the route may be broken or not synced up well.

How To Use

  1. Clone The Github Repo and Open Your Code in VSC
  2. Go to the Terminal in the Main Folder and Create the Database and Seed the Database
  3. Do 'Node Server.js' and Go Into Insomnia
  4. Create The Routes you would like (e.g Get Category by ID) and place them in Insomnia
  5. You can now Create,View,Update Or Delete Any Category Product or Tag

Screenshot And Video

Screenshot: image

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1a7ZPZ7AYH0yP--mpmQ_Z5bsTnm5ckeAK/view?usp=sharing
