an OpenCL based library for FFT-based convolution on FPGAs

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


ConvFPGA is an OpenCL based library for Fast Fourier Transformation based Convolutions on FPGAs.


  • FFT-based 3D Convolution
  • Input sizes of powers of 2
  • Single Precision (32 bit floating point)
  • Batched convolutions
  • OpenCL Shared Virtual Memory (SVM) extensions for data transfers

Supported FPGAs

This library has been tested using the following FPGAs present in the Noctua cluster of the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC2) at Paderborn University:

Quick Setup

Firstly, dependencies for building the system

  • CMake >= 3.16
  • C++ compiler with C++11 support (GCC 4.9.0+)
  • Intel FPGA SDK for OpenCL
  • FFTW3

Once you have this covered, execute the following:

mkdir build && cd build  # Directory to store build outputs
cmake ..

You have built the API i.e., the OpenCL host code that invokes different transformations correctly are packed into a static library. This must be linked to an application that helps invoke the APIs

Strictly said, you have built the following:

  • convfpga static library, linked such as -l
  • convfpga/convfpga.h header file
  • convolution - an application which links and includes the above two.

Now onto synthesizing the OpenCL Convolution kernels. These can be synthesized to run on software emulation or on hardware as bitstreams.

  • Emulation
make <kernel_name>_emu
make conv3D_emulate
  • Hardware Bitstream
make <kernel_name>_syn
make conv3D_syn

Putting them all together, in order to execute the required convolution, set the path to the synthesized bitstream along with other correct configurations as command line parameters to the sample application generated.

./convolution --num=64 --path=conv3d.aocx

Tip: for emulation, use the --emulate command line parameter.

For explanations regarding the command line options and the OpenCL kernels, check out x and y in the user guide.

Related Repositories

  • FFTFPGA - an OpenCL based library for Fast Fourier Transformations for FPGAs
  • FFTFPGA-eval - archives reports and measurements from FFTFPGA and ConvFPGA

