
A Vue-powered web application that helps you to prioritize tasks (or other kind of items) with Elo rating

Hosted on GitHub Pages


  1. Add few (>= 2) items to list
    • You can edit and remove items directly from the list
  2. Click on START VOTING button
  3. Choose the most important items in pairs
    • If you can't choose, click on = to skip a pair
  4. Your list will be ordered in rating order
  • You can edit this list how you want. You can re-vote by clicking on a START VOTING button or reset rating with CLEAR RANKS button
  • List content is saved in local storage, so you can reload this page without being worried about you sorted list
  • If multiple items has same rating, they will be ordered in creation time order

Application is based on vue-webpack-boilerplate

bootstrap-vue was used for design