
Remembering Dad. http://arkadianriver.com/topics/fox-chicken-game.html

Primary LanguagePerl

The Fox and Chicken Game

perl fox.pl

Starting on side 'false', move three items to side 'true' according to the rules printed on the screen. Makes use of exclusive or such that if items a and b are on the same side without you, that is, both false or both true, you lose.

The game

In action! LOL

    Fox and Chicken Game
- Get everything to the other side without anything being eaten.
- Your boat can hold you and one other thing (or just you, too).
- Fox and chicken can't be left alone on either side without you;
  otherwise, the fox will eat the chicken.
- chicken and corn can't be left alone on either side without you;
  otherwise, the chicken will eat the corn.

 Side 0 | Side 1
fox     |
chicken |
corn    |
you \__/|

You're on side 0.
What do you want to take across? (or 'q' to quit)
 chicken, corn, fox, you
--> fox▃