
Learning Rust by writing a renderer implementation

Primary LanguageRust

Learning Rust by writing a simple renderer implementation

After using Scala for several years and learning Go for random system tools, I decided to start with Rust. No challenges suitable for Rust were encountered until I bumped into this tutorial (in Russian), available and up-to-date in English. I love OpenGL hacks!

Day 1 - Learned tons of nice and not-very-nice things about Rust.

Day 1

Day 2 - Adding PistonDevelopers to the game.

Day 2

Day 3 - Z-buffering!

Day 3

Day 4 - Diffuse texture.

Day 4

Day 5 - Perspective.

Day 5

Day 6 - Camera and light.

Day 6

Day 7 - Perspective divide aware interpolation.

Day 7

Day 8 - Normal mapping.

Day 8

Day 9 - Specular light.

Day 9