
This is a project based on the tutorial found at https://gnuu.org/2009/09/18/writing-your-own-toy-compiler/


This is a project based on the tutorial found at https://gnuu.org/2009/09/18/writing-your-own-toy-compiler/. It utilises LLVM, Flex, and Bison.

What is this project?

The initial goal of the tutorial is to create your own toy language and compiler for it, utilising Flex, Bison, and LLVM. The tutorial expects you to go beyond the basic scope demonstrated thus far.

Why am I starting this project?

  • I am interested in using LLVM in a tangible project, and I would like to gain experience using it.
  • I want to eventually write code in C (or a C-like language) and compile it to run on a Game Boy emulator, purely for fun. It would be very awesome to see C/C resemblant code running on a Game Boy emulator; if it were my own language, that would be even more awesome.
  • Who hasn't wanted to write their own language???

As always, I don't expect to do this easily. I'll probably mess it up at some point, but that's the idea of learning.

Wish me luck!