An alias of docker container cp
and useful completions.
$ dcp <TAB><TAB>
- .gitignore completion/ debug/ fuga: go.sum internal/
.git/ Makefile bar: dcp foo: go.mod hoge: main.go
$ dcp bar:<TAB><TAB>
bin/ dev/ etc/ home/ lib/ media/ mnt/ opt/ proc/ root/ run/ sbin/ srv/ sys/ tmp/ usr/ var/
$ dcp bar:etc/<TAB><TAB>
etc/alpine-release etc/group etc/issue etc/motd etc/passwd etc/resolv.conf etc/ssl/
etc/apk/ etc/hostname etc/logrotate.d/ etc/mtab etc/periodic/ etc/securetty etc/sysctl.conf
etc/conf.d/ etc/hosts etc/modprobe.d/ etc/network/ etc/profile etc/services etc/sysctl.d/
etc/crontabs/ etc/init.d/ etc/modules etc/opt/ etc/profile.d/ etc/shadow etc/udhcpd.conf
etc/fstab etc/inittab etc/modules-load.d/ etc/os-release etc/protocols etc/shells
$ dcp bar:etc/alpine-release .
$ cat alpine-release
- Docker commands are executable without sudo.
- Bash completion is installed.
$ go get -u
$ sudo curl -L -o /etc/bash_completion.d/dcp
$ sudo curl -L -o /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/dcp
- bash
- zsh
- fish