
Primary LanguagePython


Python >= 3.7 required

pip install -r requirements.txt

Run Demo

python manage.py runserver --nothreading


Create X discount codes for brand

POST /api/v1/coupons

Creates new codes for brand using discount and amount provided

  • Response 201 Created
  • Request parameters:
    • brand_id: int
    • data: dict
      • discount: float
      • amount: int


  • discount - float value 0.0 ≤ discount ≤ 1.0
    • Response: 400 Bad Request
    • Message: "Discount should be float number 0.0 <= value <= 1.0"
  • brand_id - value exists
    • Response: 404 Not Found # Not available in Demo
  • amount - integer value amount ≥ 0
    • Response: 400 Bad Request
    • Message: "Amount should be an integer >= 0"

Demo Example:

curl -sb -o /dev/null -D - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"brand_id": 123, "data": {"discount": 0.02, "amount": 100}}'

Claim discount code

POST /api/v1/coupons/claim

User claims new code with given discount from brand

  • Response: 200 OK
    • discount_code: str
    • discount: float
    • claimed: datetime
  • Request:
    • brand_id: int
    • data: dict
      • email:str
      • discount:float


  • discount - float value 0.0 ≤ discount ≤ 1.0
    • Response: 400 Bad Request
    • Message: "Discount should be float number 0.0 <= value <= 1.0"
  • brand_id - value exists
    • Response: 404 Not Found # Not available in Demo
  • email - not exists
    • Response: 409 Conflict
    • Message: "User [email] already claimed a coupon" # Demo email claimed@test.com

Demo Example:

curl -sb -o /dev/null -D - -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"brand_id": 123, "data": {"discount": 0.02, "email": "some@email.com"}}'