
mainly tests for codeblocks IDE projects (C language use of libSDL2 API)

Primary LanguageC

SDL2 software library, Simple Direct-Media Layer: foundation layer for graphical apps, portable also across various computer systems.

Cross-platform "SDL2" C API. GNU GCC & GNU Makefile for Windows also. VSCode files for Task (compile with Make) and Debug (GDB debugger in VSCode, e.g. breakpoints are considered).


C/C++ for Visual Studio Code:

Make support and task provider: Extension to run Makefile tasks from VS Code

MSYS with MinGW (Windows)

  • install MSYS to C:\msys64 https://www.msys2.org/#installation
  • update pacman package manager pacman -Syu
  • install package gcc compiler: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-toolchain
  • install package gdb debugger: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-gdb
  • install package make build: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-make
  • add to System \ Advanced settings \ Environment Variables \ PATH
    • C:\msys64\mingw64\bin
    • C:\msys64\usr\bin

Needed Libraries for MSYS with MinGW (Windows)

  • install package SDL2 library: pacman -S mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2


mainly tests for "codeblocks.org" IDE projects (C language use of libSDL2 API, as an example is provided)

  • /cb-linux CodeBlocksIDE files to be used in Linux to produce Linux apps (notably with support for libSDL2)

  • /cb-mswindows CodeBlocksIDE files to be used in Microsoft Windows to produce Microsoft Windows apps (notably with support for libSDL2)

  • /mingw-linux Shell scripts to be used in Linux to produce Microsoft Windows apps, via MinGW (notably with support for libSDL2)

  • /sh-linux Shell scripts to be used in Linux to produce Linux apps, via GCC (notably with support for libSDL2)

  • /sh-mswindows Shell scripts to be used in Microsoft Windows to produce Microsoft Windows apps, via GCC/MinGW/MSYS (notably with support for libSDL2)